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Bilderberg 2013: A Tour of the Venue

21st Century Wire says…

This one is courtesy of ‘Sam the Blogger’ who takes us on a tour of the Grove Hotel grounds in Watford, England, the venue for this year’s Bilderberg Conference

Wake Up the the Matrix

Sam was firstly challenged for walking through The Grove by a police officer dressed in casual gear. When that didn’t work, he was monitored by a police chopper, until Sgt Dibble and officer 587 stop him outside on the public highway.

Police Chopper

How much did Sams trip to the Grove cost, and why does a guy with a video camera need armed officer Sgt Dibble and friend, heavily dressed  in paramilitary kit to stop him on the public highway, with no legal justification?

I suspect that as the temperature rises around The Grove, there will be a lot more of this, watch this space



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