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Party Leader Obama instructs students to reject ‘anti-government’ opinions

21st Century Wire | Selling his vision of the “Homeland”, but where is he taking America?

Chris Matthews and MSNBC: The Toilet Bowl of Broadcast Journalism

21st Century Wire | The White House and its network openly employ orthodox Saul Alinsky methods to divide American society.

Was ‘terrorist’ Buford Rogers actually being groomed as FBI informant?

Patrick Henningsen | Buford ‘Bucky’ Rogers has all the makings of a perfect federal informant…

DHS ‘Sports Division’: Federal Takeover of Sporting Event Security Already Underway

21st Century Wire | Spokane gets the full treatment: “backpack ban”, packs of sniffer dogs, and a border patrol helicopters…

Explained: Transhumanist Agenda’s Biblical Roots

21st Century Wire | There are still aspects of history and ancient religious texts which we have yet to decode…

Above the Law: What’s Behind Israel’s Latest Military Rampage In Syria?

21st Century Wire | This latest unprovoked attack proves that Israel is the single greatest threat to world peace today – see the results for yourself….

Obamacare in Cuba: Gitmo costing American taxpayer $900K per detainee

21st Century Wire | No US politician has the will or the intention, to do the right thing and shut down the monster.

Red Ice Radio: Patrick Henningsen on Boston Bombings & Third Way Control Mechanism

21st Century Wire | 1 hour interview breaking down what may have taken place in Boston and the global chessboard.

Tsarnaev widow Katherine Russell now officially a ‘person of interest’ in Boston investigation

21st Century Wire | Now that the FBI has named Katherine Russell as someone of interest, will the media be asking the right questions?

Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell and Her Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections

21st Century Wire | These are not mere coincidences – these are the most well-connected people you can imagine.

Why is Britain now spending millions ‘training’ Palestinian security forces?

Patrick Henningsen | What is Britain really up to in Palestine?

Occult Inc: Artist Azealia Banks Releases Disgusting Vid + Geldof Daughter’s Satanic Sex Cult

21st Century Wire | Occult and satanic ambassadors have taken complete hold of the entertainment industry now.

Eyewitness: ‘Tamerlan was run over by Boston police and then shot multiple times’

21st Century Wire | We ask this question: does someone not want either of these two brothers to tell their story in public?

The Case of Boston’s Disappearing Bomb Squad

21st Century Wire | Let’s start from square one, and rebuild this Boston crime scene with Exhibit #1.

21WIRE was right: Boston suspect was unarmed when barrage of bullets hit boat

21st Century Wire | We were right: Authorities said they were ‘desperate to capture suspect’ to be questioned. Sure they were…

Boston Martial Law: ‘They were confiscating guns from residents’

21st Century Wire | Did the Feds grab residents’ guns during the Watertown dragnet?

DOJ: Suspect Dzokhar Tsarnaev Charged with Using a ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’

21st Century Wire | It’s official: Eric Holder has officially lost the plot, bringing a new definition to ‘overkill’.

Boston Bombing Stage: An ensemble cast of soldiers, spooks and ‘cleaners’

21st Century Wire | Why have the FBI have asked that we ignore and not comment on all of the photos which are publicly available?

McCain and Graham: Suspect Dzhokar has no rights and should be tried as ‘enemy combatant’

Patrick Henningsen | Lindsey Graham and John McCain call for total removal of bombing suspects rights.

Why Has US President Already Delivered Guilty Verdict to Boston Bombers?

Patrick Henningsen | President delivers ‘Executive Verdict’ as Fed draft in Gitmo interrogators to handle 19 year old student in custody.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue