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Little Ice Age Watch: US, Europe, Russia Suffering Coldest Winter in Decades

21WIRE | How long until mainstream media and politics admit that apocalyptic predictions of man-made global warming may have been completely over-blown?

Good News On Climate – But You Won’t Hear It From the Media

Andrew Montford | Contrary to received dogma, changes in climate do not spell the impending disaster that career climatists make it out to be.

Will Texas Be Able to Reboot Its Power Grid This Weekend?

21WIRE + Houston Chronicle | ‘The ERCOT grid has collapsed in exactly the same manner as the old Soviet Union.’

Texas Grid Operator: ‘Frozen Wind Turbines Caused Power Outages’

21WIRE + Statesman | The failure of ‘green’ energy becomes apparent, as Texans fight for survival amid the record-breaking freeze.

Global Cooling? NOAA Confirms ‘Full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum

21WIRE + Elecroverse | Unfortunately, history repeats: climate is cyclic, never linear.

Cold Case: Climate agenda ‘frozen’ for decades to come

21Wire + WE | It turns out that the only thing ‘submerged’ is the global warming lie.

2010: Another record breaking winter – So what happened to global warming?

Patrick Henningsen | In the 21st century, we thought modern man had surely advanced past his dependence on mythology, but old habits die hard.

The cold truth: Climate Science is anything but “settled”

The debate is now open: watch this fantastic and informative 5 part interview series with the UK’s Lord Monckton covering all aspects of the great global warming and climate change debate – IPCC scientific fraud, global government and the realisation of a New World Order designed by a global elite…    A sharp and very complete interview with the UK’s […]

Eco-warrior Osama Bin Laden Joins the Climate Camp

21WIRE + Yahoo News | More proof that the Bin Laden mythology is a CIA creation.

Global Warming: Nine out of ten Polar Bears disagree


Another Domino Falls: UK’s Leading Scientific Body Retreats on Climate Change

By Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Sept 30, 2010 It’s the latest in a series of high-profile set-backs suffered by global warming theorists- the UK’s leading scientific body has decided to rewrite its own definitive guide on climate change, now admitting that it is “not known” how much warmer the planet will become. The Royal […]


By Patrick Henningsen Sept 22, 2010 21st Centurywire With the current protracted recession still in play and a government budget deficit to reconcile, Her Majesty’s Government may be looking to trim some fat by giving its bloated £3.2 billion Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) the royal chop. Such budget austerity measures for UK […]

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