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Yemen Fights Back: Marwa Osman Speaks with Patrick Henningsen

MideaStream | An update on the situations in Yemen and Bahrain.

‘Kushner Blowback’: Protesters storm Bahraini embassy in Baghdad, burn US, Israeli flags

21WIRE | The incident also shows how vulnerable the various Gulf monarchies are to reprisals by both Palestinian supporters and Iran’s allies across the region.

Senate War Hawks Block Sen. Rand Paul’s Bid to Halt Arms Sales to Bahrain

21WIRE | It appears like Trump has found a convenient exit from a very unpopular and highly illegal war started by Barack Obama.

BAHRAIN: Former British Ambassador Resigns from Advisory Post after Foreign Minister Supports Israeli Aggression

21WIRE + Peter Ford | “I say with a heavy heart that Bahrain will be one of the first to suffer if the conflict in Syria is widened”

QATAR: Trump Steps in to Protect US Assets in the Persian Gulf Mafia Battle

Niraj Srivastava | Trump remembers which horse he should be backing in the Persian Gulf state race for power

Gulf Monarchies Sacrifice Neighbor Qatar as “Sponsor of Terrorism”

21WIRE | Qatar has been singled-out, scapegoated and exiled from the community of Gulf Monarchies.

Queen Told To ‘Confront’ Bahrain King Over Human Rights Or Cut Ties

21WIRE + RT | When was the last time the Queen took orders from a British human rights group?

Syria: Political Reform Defies Critics and Progresses Despite US, NATO Hostility

Kristian Girling | Syrians defend their plurality and secularity with their lives against US and NATO neocolonialism.

Saudi, Iran, Sunni, Shia: This Just Became The Most Important Map In Geopolitics

Tyler Durden | The region could have done without the events that unfolded over the weekend.

Why is Britain now spending millions ‘training’ Palestinian security forces?

Patrick Henningsen | What is Britain really up to in Palestine?

Our Imperial Hypocrisy: ‘Bahrain Closed Society, West Heading Down The Same Path’

21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen discusses with RT about the current political state of affairs in the country of Bahrain, who is struggling to integrate democratic reforms and is hamstrung by its human rights record and a somewhat precarious relationship with Washington and London. In the final analysis, the West appears to be headed in […]

Henningsen on RT: ‘Clinton and Hague will not tolerate a democratic uprising in Bahrain’

There are two sets of rules in the fabled “international community”. More anti-Royal Family clashes hit Bahrain today, and still there is a wall of silence from the West, who hope to maintain the brutal dictatorship in the Gulf state in order to secure their military interests, and the US Fifth Fleet stationed there. 21st […]

RISK ASSESSMENT: IRAN – ‘Entree to a One World Order’ – Interview with Patrick Henningsen

21WIRE TV | The Hegelian outcome of an attack on Iran can only be a One World Order aka ‘New World Order’.

Henningsen: “Iran neighbors arming-up, Bahrain a ‘good customer’ of US”

Bahrain’s Shia opposition says a teenage protester has been killed in violent clashes with police in the capital Manama. Police fired tear-gas and stun grenades to disperse demonstrators, who were throwing stones and petrol bombs. The West will always turn a blind eye to real repression in Bahrain. They have been demanding equal rights from […]

Former CIA Official: Israel Will Bomb Iran in September

MJ Rosenberg HUFF POST WORLD July 17, 2011 A longtime CIA officer who spent 21 years in the Middle East is predicting that Israel will bomb Iran this fall, dragging the United States into another major war and endangering U.S. military and civilian personnel (and other interests) throughout the Middle East and beyond. Robert Baer […]

BRACE YOURSELF: The Chinese Car Bomb is Coming

Andrew Mckillop | China and India’s future appetite for cars and fuel will drarwf anything the US or Europe has ever seen.


Andrew McKillop | Colour Revoltutions, GMO’s, land wars, and resource wars – are all converging for the perfect geopolitical storm to take place now.

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