Shawn Helton | Authorities interviewed the alleged NYC truck attacker on suspicion of terror ties in 2015.
NEW YORK KNOWN WOLF: Halloween Truck Attacker Known to DHS Prior to ‘Act of Terror’
Filed Under: Featured, Shawn Helton, US News Tagged With: Barcelona, Berlin attack, Daily Shooter, Known Wolf, London Bridge Attacks, Nice Attacks, NYC truck attack
Catalan ‘Independence’ – A Tool of Capital Against Labour
Filed Under: Europe, Featured, International News Tagged With: Barcelona, Catalan, Catalonia, colour revolution, Spain, US
Boiler Room EP #123 – Right vs. Left, Jerry Springer Style

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Patrick Henningsen, Daniel Spaulding, FunkSoul and Randy J discuss the continuing fallout from Charlottesville, then wrap up by touching on Trump’s Afghanistan speech and last week’s Barcelona attack.
Filed Under: Boiler Room, Featured, US News Tagged With: alt right, Antifa, Barcelona, Cambrils, Charlottesville, Daniel Spaulding, doxing, Funksoul, Hesher, identity politics, Left-wing, Patrick Henningsen, Randy J, Spore, Trump
BARCELONA: New Revelations, More Challenging Questions Remain
UPDATE: The Barcelona Attack

21WIRE + The Telegraph | The alleged driver of the van that killed 13 in Barcelona has been shot dead. The narrative continues to unfold.
Filed Under: Europe, Featured, International News, Miles Elliott Tagged With: Barcelona, Daily Shooter, false flag, GLADIO, ISIS, Spain, terror attack, terrorism
BARCELONA: As The Dust Settles, The Story Emerges (Updated)

21WIRE + RT | As the dust settles, the narrative emerges and the international community will respond.
Filed Under: Europe, Featured, International News, Miles Elliott Tagged With: Barcelona, Daily Shooter, false flag, GLADIO, ISIS, Spain, terror attack, terrorism
This Spanish Spring is the Real Thing
Giles Dexter | Remember, Spain was at the forefront of western thought in the early 20th century and it nearly transformed, albeit temporarily, into anarchist state.
Filed Under: Europe, International News, Middle East, Uncategorized Tagged With: 2011, Arab Spring, austerity, Barcelona, beating, Bilderberg, El Caudillo, elections, Euro, Eurozone, fascist, Franco, inflation, Madrid, Maghreb, movement, NWO, police, property bubble, protests, Puerta del Sol, Spain, turmoil