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The ‘Persian Spring’ – How the Libyan and Syrian Script Played Out in Iran

Gavin O’Reilly | Once again, Iran has become the away pitch for another color revolution.

Has Washington Recruited Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Starlink for Iran Regime Change Ops?

Brian Berletic | It’s now clear that communication equipment is being used to execute the stated policy of US plans for regime change in Iran.

Nazism in Ukraine: ‘The Unholy Trinity’

21WIRE | Charting the development of Nazi ideology in Ukraine.

Ex-Marine Exposes Washington’s Covert Political Meddling in Asia

21WIRE | One of the best pundits exposing Washington’s regime change road show.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Ukraine on Fire’ (2016)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Inside story on the US and EU-backed Maidan coup when pushed Ukraine into its current quagmire.

National Endowment for Democracy Provided $1.2 Million to Kazakhstan to Spark a Color Revolution

Covert Action Magazine | The dirty fingerprints of Washington and Soros are all over central Asia.

Former Kazakhstan Intelligence Chief and ‘Close Friend’ of Bidens is Arrested for Treason

21WIRE | Both Joe and Hunter Biden emerge as a persons of interest in the Kazakhstan situation.

US Hearings Reveal Washington’s Covert Support for ‘Color Revolutions’ Around the World

Anitwar.com | Latest admission confirms US was behind the recent violent protest movement in Hong Kong, and beyond.

Democrat-led ‘Transition Integrity Project’ Plan for Post-Election Chaos

Mike Whitney | A partisan project concocted by malicious elites who plan to remove the President from office, by hook or crook.

INTERVIEW: George Szamuely on 2020 Election and Belarus Color Revolution

21WIRE | Unpacking Democrat Convention, and what’s behind the Color Revolution in Belarus.

Belarus ‘Opposition’ Document Reveals Agenda to Pull Country Into NATO and EU

21WIRE + South Front | The reality of the subterfuge is much deeper and even more profound in terms of its geopolitical significance.

Some Parallels Between CHAZ-CHOP and the US-backed Maidan Uprising

Tom Luongo | In the end, the people in CHAZ will become pawns in a much larger game being played by power elites.


Andre Vltchek | A country still searching for answers: what kind of Lebanon can replace this present, inefficient, and corrupt state?

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Location in Chile’s Uprising

21WIRE | Will Chile realize its potential as a democratic and prosperous independent state?

CrossTalk: ‘Global Uprising’ with Joshua Landis, James Jatras & Patrick Henningsen

CrossTalk | The big question: do the elites have answers for today’s growing problems?

Problems Arise with Washington’s Latest ‘Color Revolution’ in Hong Kong

Tony Cartalucci | It looks like yet another US-backed ‘color revolution’ masquerading as ‘popular opposition.’

Iran’s New Years Riots: A Failure of Western Meddling

Sadollah Zarei | Why the Uncle Sam is determined to destablize the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Another Year, More Color Revolutions?

21WIRE | 2018 will be a busy year for the CIA and George Soros – as they cling to the old order.

Catalonia Defies Madrid – Goes to Polls to Vote for Independence

21WIRE | Madrid is still adamant that it opposes any “unilateral moves” towards secession.

Trump Isn’t Going to Invade Venezuela, But What US is Planning Could Be Much Worse

Andrew Korybko | It’s clear the US are actively working to overthrow the gov’t in Caracas, but it’s still not clear whether or not they will succeed.

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