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Endless Scandals: Eric Holder Jumps Ship, Resigns as Attorney General

21WIRE | Holder jumps ship – a signal that a devastating scandal is coming down the pipeline for the White House.

‘IN THE NOW’ ON RT – Washington’s Illegal War in Syria with guest Patrick Henningsen

21WIRE + RT | Breaking down the lies concealing Washington’s latest military adventure against Syria.

US Bombed ‘Empty Buildings’ in Airstrikes on ISIL in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Looks like Washington’s inflated claims of dead ISIL fighters are probably exaggerated.

What Bombs? Obama’s ‘Arab Coalition’ Were Only Cheerleaders in Syria Airstrike

Peter Sterry | No one seems to know what role Obama’s ‘Arab partners’ played in the epic bombing run over Syria.

Masters of Chaos: Israel Shoots Down Syrian Air Force Jet Over Golan Heights

21WIRE | Either way, this latest move by Israel threatens to inflame an already volatile situation in Syria.

US and ‘Arab Partners’ Launch First Wave of Airstrikes, Tomahawk Missiles into Syria

21WIRE | A risky ‘coalition strike’ by US that puts Washington in clear violation of international law.

The Millennial Cult of Global Warming

Andrew McKillop | Yes, this is the age of cults. The only question left is: are you in, or are you out?

Episode #51 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Scots Get a Whiff of Freedom’, Host Patrick Henningsen with Derek Nisbet

SUNDAY WIRE | Half of Scottish voters showed they weren’t afraid of the future, and now the real freedom movement begins.

Stupid Senate: Lawmakers put $10 million bounty on head of ISIS YouTube actor

21WIRE | The obvious logic of this one must have escaped the brain trust in Washington.

Scottish Folk Had the Balls to Face Up to Future

Andrew McKillop | The trick now is how much will the people be allowed to shape their future, as opposed to the elite, self-appointed, rightful rulers of the planet?

Scotland Votes ‘NO’, Now Watch As the Ground Shifts Beneath Our Feet

Patrick Henningsen | Here are the winners and losers from the latest chapter in Scotland’s epic quest for independence.

VOTER FRAUD: Was the Scottish Independence Referendum Rigged to Fail?

21WIRE + RT | Was voter fraud committed during the Scottish Independence referendum?

Florida Schools Forced to Allow Satanic Church Access to its Young Students

21WIRE + RT | There is something very wrong with this scene in America today. Dean Ryan covers Hollywood scandals in the last hour.

The Truth About the Death of Robin Williams

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | There are seldom any further inquiries once the official hammer drops on a celebrity ‘suicide’ case.

NATO Oversteps Its Charter Again, Running Guns and Weapons to the Ukraine

21WIRE | While a ceasefire has been reached in Eastern Ukraine and hostilities have ceased, NATO has seized the opportunity to inject more tension by openly trafficking arms on to Russia’s doorstep.

Bankers Rule: City of London vs. Scottish Independence

James Hall | Many Scots may accept serving the Crown, but tolerating second-class citizenship insults the proud heritage of the highlands.

Israel’s Cue: Syrian ‘Rebels’ Occupy Golan Heights, Seize UN Weapons and Vehicles

21WIRE | Israel is already in the game but the question now is just how far will it use the current fog of instability to achieve its own goals.

Devil’s Deal: US-Backed Syrian Rebels Already Signed Pact with ISIS Prior to Haines ‘Beheading’

21WIRE + RT | The Syrian rebels have already aligned themselves with ISIS in order to take out the Syrian government.

Ted Cruz: ‘I Pledge of Allegiance to Israel’

SARTRE | The future restoration of America is impossible, unless the blind obedience to a foreign lobby is finally broken.

Staged ISIS Videos are the Plot of Iron Man 3 (2013)

Jay’s Analysis | Hollywood and staged intelligence operations are now the same.

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