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POLTERGEIST (1982) – Youth Sacrificed to the Beast

Jay Dyer | There’s a much deeper message to this 80s paranormal trend-setter than you think.

A Critique of Alexander Dugin’s 4th Political Theory: Against the Gnostics

Branko Malić I Alexander Dugin claims to have a cure for the disease of modern world. We’ll demonstrate why is it better to stay in bed than swallow the pill he’s offering.

The Cell (2000) – Sex Slaves and the Split Psyche

Jay Dyer | The Cell is a macabre display of the psyche, alters, trauma-based mind control, and the occult connection to these ideas.

LIBERAL AMERICAN WORLD ORDER: Prof. Alexander Dugin on JaysAnalysis

Jay Dyer | Prof. Alexander Dugin is an author, lecturer and former advisor to President Vladimir Putin.


Jay Dyer | The film presents authentic aspects of both hermetic and perennial esoterica – amid a backdrop of wider spiritual battles waged.

Florida Schools Forced to Allow Satanic Church Access to its Young Students

21WIRE + RT | There is something very wrong with this scene in America today. Dean Ryan covers Hollywood scandals in the last hour.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue