21st Century Wire says…
Do religious groups have a right to push their material on innocent children in state schools? What ever happened to the ‘separation of church and state’? As liberalism and ‘communitarianism’ continue to sweep America and dominate Hollywood, protections enjoyed by previous generations are now a thing of the past…
On the heels of their spectacular success in getting their agenda into childrens’ minds through Hollywood’s entertainment and music industries, Satanic groups have found a new way into your children’s lives by using the court system to force access to schools and distribute their satanic literature.
The Orlando Sentinel reported this week how The Satanic Temple wants to give out materials, including The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities, in Orange schools. What’s worse, the schools have no choice but to submit.
Ironically, it was because of a previous ruling won by the Atheist and evangelical Christian groups that the Satanic Temple has found a way into schools.
Pay close attention to the Liberal framing of the church’s mission, using popular liberal trigger words like ‘social justice’ :
The Orlando Sentinel explains:
“The Satanic Temple, a relatively new group that supports social justice causes and believes Satan is the “eternal rebel against the ultimate tyrant,” wants to give out materials such as The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities.”
Behind the Satanic drives to infiltrate schools – surprise, surprise… is an army of trial lawyers.
“The Freedom From Religion Foundation and its local affiliate, the Central Florida Free-thought Community, sued Orange schools last year after some of their materials were censored. The case was dismissed earlier this year when the school district agreed to allow all of the materials to be given out.”
“They have no ability to keep out the Satanists and the literature they want to distribute unless they close the forum altogether,” said FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel.”
Why are liberals and Democratic Party leaders completely silent on this issue? Is it because they approve?
There is something very wrong with this scene in America today…
Satanic Temple to distribute materials to school children in Florida
The Satanic Temple has announced that it will provide pamphlets on Satanism to students in Florida, following the school board’s decision permitting the distribution of religious materials.
Among the materials that are set to be distributed are pamphlets on the philosophy, practice of Satanism, the Satanic Temple’s tenets. Also, the sect tells school children about their legal rights to choose to practice Satanism, according to the official press release.
Earlier this month, the school system made a decision to let any religious and atheist materials be provided in schools.
The Temple said that although it does not agree with the school board’s decision to allow religious materials in schools, it will continue “to ensure that pluralism is respected whenever the Church/State division is breached.”
Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves explains: “We think the responsible thing to do is to ensure that these students are given access to a variety of differing religious opinions, as opposed to standing idly by while one religious voice dominates the discourse and delivers propaganda to youth.”
“I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and its Bible, and this might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism. We think many students will be very curious to see what we offer,” Greaves added.
The Satanic Temple came into the media spotlight after announcing it is going to erect a seven-foot Baphomet statue next to a Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol. It also unveiled plans to build a chapel in Detroit…
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