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CRIMINAL: Details Emerge of Washington’s ‘Fast & Furious’ Arms Trafficking in Syria

21WIRE + IHS Janes | Details of US gun-running in Syria, much of which has fallen into terrorist hands.

Endless Scandals: Eric Holder Jumps Ship, Resigns as Attorney General

21WIRE | Holder jumps ship – a signal that a devastating scandal is coming down the pipeline for the White House.

‘Bunker News Break’ Exposes Latest on Federal Land Grabs and Destruction of Local Communities

21WIRE + GMN | Listen as 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen discuss what’s really behind SB1805 and other plans to destroy local communities on the “Bunker News Break”…

FULLY LOADED: See What Authorities Found During Raid on Drug Kingpin Home

21WIRE + Slip Talk | Between all the police and judge pay-offs, it’s a wonder how this house ever got raided.

The DEA: America’s Largest Cocaine Smuggler

Libertarian News + Business Insider | The Chicago area has been flooded with Class A drugs — under the direct control of the DEA.

Fast & Furious UK-Style: Britain’s Gun-running to East Africa, Somali Pirates

Patrick Henningsen | Damning new report accuses UK govt of arming Somali pirates, dictators in East Africa.

Obama Exports Fast and Furious: CIA Already Delivering Weapons to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21WIRE + WP | Whether it’s in Syria, Africa or Arizona, trafficking arms to non-state militias and terrorist groups should not be allowed to happen.

Mexican police chief killed by rifle connected to “Fast & Furious” gunwalking program

21WIRE+LAT | Another scandal rearing its ugly head again.

Corruption at the Top: DOJ Leaked Docs to Smear Fast & Furious Whistleblower, Says IG

Breitbart.com | Is the White House directing the DOJ to s mear a key Fast & Furious campaign for justice.

As Britain and France Beg EU to Ship Arms, Their Proxy Rebels Establish Sharia Law in Parts of Syria

Patrick Henningsen | US and British-backed jihadists already have established their “Sharia Committee for the Eastern Region” in Syria.

MSNBC Becomes ‘Obama Network’: Sharpton Wants Obama’s Face on Mount Rushmore

Patrick Henningsen | MSNBC has finally gone off the edge, adopting a full White House team to protect Obama’s White House.

BREAKING: Multiple People Shot at Lone Star College in Texas

Sandy Hook Part Deux? One wonders about this latest Texas campus shooting….

EXPOSED: The Secret Guns Sting That Backfired on the US

The Independent | Fast and Furious was sanctioned by the Obama administration in an effort to justify tightening US gun laws.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue