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Verizon Developer Outsources His Job to China for More Facebook Time

21WIRE | Outsourcing your own job out to China? Bob did it.

Obama may ‘allow’ religious employers to remove contraceptives from benefits

21WIRE + WP | Americans are now completely subservient to the federal apparatus, needing permission for literally everything…

Naval SEAL Author Chris Kyle ‘Lies Then Dies’: What Next For Jesse Ventura?

Greg Fernandez Jr | Ventura vehemently denying the incident in question ever took place. The question now is: will Ventura continue with the libel suit that is due up in court later this year?


21WIRE | Will Big Pharma allow cannabis to be legal in Europe?

A $14 Trillion Extortion for a Global Warming Scam

James Hall21st Century Wire The latest megalomaniacal threat from the financial globalists wants to saddle the world economy with a cost of trillions of dollars that benefits favorite corporatists. The phony global warming cult has a core purpose. Their objective is to drive down the standard of living for non-elites and prevent the use of […]

True or False? Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”

Gov’t Slaves | More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative…

Codex Alimentarius and the NWO’s Agenda

21WIRE | The New World Order wants to reduce the world’s population to a level deemed by their elite committee as “sustainable”.


21WIRE + The Blaze | Actor Samuel L. Jackson is taking a position that might surprise you.

Like the Taliban, BBC Erase Banksy Artwork Which Exposed Their Internal Savile Cover-up

The Needle | What Do The Taliban And The BBC Have In Common?


21WIRE | Tories are being accused in paedophile and gay scandals and Cameron is feeling the heat.

Cameron: ‘It’s a gay witchhunt!’ after Philip Schofield ambushes PM on live TV with list of alleged Tory Paedos

Mail Online | Downing Street condemned ‘trial by Twitter’ after David Cameron was handed ‘The List’.

ALL TRICK, NO TREAT: Happy Halloween From Your Ruling Elite…

21WIRE | Now this lot is very scary.

FILM TRAILER: ‘Gilad and All That Jazz’

Gilad Atzmon | In Gilad and All that Jazz director Golriz Kolahi explores the music, ideas and motivations.

ARAB MOCKINGBIRD: ‘Alleged abuses on both sides of Syrian conflict’ says Al Jazeera, while only showing one side the story

Patrick Henningsen | Al Jazeera is currently masquerading as an “alternative” view in global media coverage, but it’s only western propaganda.

Libyan who helped capture Gadhafi dies after torture, kidnapping

McClatchy Newspapers | Omran Shaban died in a Paris hospital allegedly as a result of a bullet wound and torture he received after his kidnapping.

Syrian rebel force announces shift of its headquarters from Turkey to Syria

Wash Post | The so-called “moderate rebels” of Syria are getting lots of help from NATO member Turkey.

Dear Media: America Doesn’t Want Your New Race War

Patrick Henningsen | In both the media and political classes, there exist individuals who are addicted to crisis opportunity, and will divide America just to win polling points.

Strange Bedfellows: How the U.S. and Egypt control the destiny of the region

Patrick Henningsen | Unfortunately for Washington, Egypt’s military junta have quickly figured out how the US is always able to play both sides of the geopolitical game.

Before Gaddafi is Deposed, UN Draws Up Plans to Occupy Libya

Inner City Press | The reality is that most UN plans don’t survive contact with the people they propose to help.

Wiki-Casus Belli? Fed Grand Jury Trying to Use Wikileaks to Shut Down the Free Internet

Patrick Henningsen | Beyond the liberal hype, this is how the establishment want to use the Wikileaks phenomenon.

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