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ISIS dot com: Social Media Barons Are Pushing the New Barbarity

Andrew McKillop | Where is this all heading? It’s regressive for sure, and taking society’s minds to darker place.

‘ISIS Here’ Plot Now in CNN’s Ferguson Production

21WIRE + Activist Post | If the existential threat is fading, then it must be time to build-up an internal one.

Transcendence (2014): The ultimate transhumanist film to date

Jay’s Analysis | Imagine a ‘ghost in the machine’ accessing infinite amounts of data, but for what purpose?

Human Rights Watch Blasts the FBI’s ‘Terror Informant’ Industry

21WIRE + HRW | The bar on entrapment in US law is so high that it’s almost impossible for a terrorism suspect to prove they’ve been handled.

ISIS CRISIS: $500 Million Sought in ‘War Funds’ for Rebels in Western Proxy War & Israeli Oil Shipments

21WIRE + WP | As the latest manufactured ‘nightmare’ continues to unfold in Iraq and Syria, US President Barack Obama has asked Congress to authorize direct military aid for terrorist-linked groups.

Aiding the Enemy: Fellow Soldiers Believe Bergdahl May Have Helped Taliban in Afghanistan

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Military colleagues believe he was working with the Taliban, and evidence also points to CIA stage-management of Bergdahl since 2010.

‘You’ll Die in a Car Accident’: FBI’s Threat to Man Who Did Not Want to Be An ‘Informant’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | In the absence of any real terror threat’ in the US, federal agencies still have to justify their ever-expanding department budgets.

Inventing Terror: Deperate NYPD Pressuring Young Muslims Arrested For Minor Violations To Be ‘Informants’

21WIRE + RT | As long as US authorities keep pumping up the myth, and the funding and profits continue to roll in, expect ever more ‘terror busts’ and ‘foiled plots’.

Boko Haram: US AFRICOM’S Latest False Flag Franchise

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | The truth about Boko Haram: it comes from the same CIA boogy man factory as al Qaeda.

FBI Knew Boston Bombing Suspects Long Before ‘Main Event’

21WIRE + IB Times | The FBI have still managed to dodge any serious questions, or address the facts of the Boston case.

Flight MH370 Found? Not Quite – Now the Real Whitewash Begins.

Patrick Henningsen | With all the high tech gadgets and satellite data, there is still no proof of the plane’s whereabouts.

Henningsen: ‘West only attacking countries who can’t fight back’

Going Underground | Patrick Henningsen says the UK’s involvement in Iraq is still creating radicalization at home – and the government doesn’t seem to want to learn from its mistakes.

Head of Press TV London Detained By MI5 British Intelligence

21WIRE | Iranian owner of a London-based television production company was taken into custody by British intelligence.

The Case of Malaysia’s Missing Airliner MH370 – Part Two:

Shawn Helton | Is the disappearance of MH370 slowly unraveling? Let’s look at all the theories floating around and see what makes sense…

PART ONE: What’s Behind the Disappearance of Malaysian Airliner MH370?

Shawn Helton | What really happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370?

False Flag: New Details Emerge on Santa Clara County ‘Military-Style’ Power Grid Attack

Greg Fernandez Jr | Surprise, surprise: Representative Waxman hopes to “fix the gap in regulatory authority” and empower the FERC to deal with such threats and vulnerabilities.

Episode #20 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Austerity Bites’ with host Patrick Henningsen, UK Dole Tsar ‘Liam Duncan-Smith’, and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE RADIO SHOW | Pulling the rug out from under the ‘austerity’ conversation in Europe, plus NFL and Boxing match fixing in the US.

The Boston Bombing: Hard Questions, Answers Explained

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | If you still think it really happened the way it was reported, then you should probably revisit the Boston Bombing and see for yourself.

Latest ‘Domestic Terror’ Sniper Attack in California is Likely a Government False Flag

21st Century Wire | This attack happened a few months ago, but was only publicly acknowledged by authorities this week.

Trauma Hound: Skinny Puppy seeks $666K from Pentagon for music used in Gitmo torture

21WIRE + RT | The band Skinny Puppy has sent an invoice to the Pentagon for the subsequent use of their music in Gitmo torture sessions without their consent.

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