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INTERVIEW: Mike Benz – ‘A.I. Censorship Will Play Role in 2024 Election’

TNT Radio | What roles the U.S. government and Big Tech are set to play in the 2024 Election.

INTERVIEW: Kristian James – A.I. Facial ‘Ideology’ Predictor

TNT Radio | A new A.I. system can scan a person’s face and determine with some degree of accuracy what their ideology or political leanings are.

Elon Musk: Colonizing Mars, The A.I. Takeover & Simulated Reality

21WIRE | Musk has a very interesting vision for our future.

Professor: Artificial Intelligence As Dangerous As Nuclear Weapons

21WIRE + Daily Mail | A growing number of experts are raising huge concerns about A.I. development.

Philosophy 101: Self-Driving Cars May Be Programmed To KILL YOU

21WIRE + The Independent | Do you trust the A.I. brain with your life?

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