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It’s All About Vibrations: A Resonance Theory of Consciousness

21WIRE + The Conversation | Does consciousness really all come down to the way things vibrate?

Study: Spaceship ‘Could Survive’ Journey Through Black Hole to Another Universe

21WIRE | Are your ready to see what’s on the other side?

Parallel Universes: Theories & Evidence

21WIRE | Has your life played out differently in another universe?

Was Einstein Right? Scientists Discover Gravitational Waves, Could ‘Pave Way to Time Travel’

21WIRE | 100 years later, Albert Einstein has been proven correct and it could lead to incredible discoveries.

The Genius and Scientific Discoveries of Nikola Tesla

Binoy Kampmark | His genius was one that was constantly plagued by a stretch of chance and ill-luck, but his mark on history in undeniable.

Astronomers Find Alien ‘Megastructures’ Orbiting Star Near Milky Way

21WIRE | Penn State University astronomers are on the verge of an incredible discovery.

China Tests HYPERSONIC Nuclear Missile

21WIRE + RT | This should place war-avoidance at the top of everyone’s agenda.

New Experiment Shows How Reality Does Not Exist Until Observed

21WIRE + The Independent | This is equally confusing as it is incredible.

CERN REBOOT: ‘Revamped’ Large Hadron Collider Smashes Its First Particles

21WIRE + RT | So it begins. The world is watching…

EVENT HORIZON: Can CERN’s Hadron Collider Access to Other Dimension?

21WIRE + Express | Scientists at CERN believe that next week’s experiment in search of the ‘God Particle’ – could be a game changer.

Potentially Habitable SUPER-EARTH ‘Gliese 581d’ Discovered

21WIRE + RT | The incredible discoveries just keep on coming.

No Big Bang? New Equation Suggests Eternal Universe

21WIRE + PhysOrg | This new equation seeks to explain something that the Big Bang Theory is unable to.

Quantum Life: Who are we, where do we come from, and why are we here?

Mike Adams | Stephen Hawking has got it wrong in his quest to master the “theory of everything”.

The ‘Keshe Factor’ – A Weirder Twist On A War With Iran..?

21WIRE | Keshe, the ‘Tesla of Physics’, has been offering his technology free to any Government or scientist willing to listen.

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