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UNCLOAKED: White Helmets Rescue Crisis Actor in ‘Mannequin Challenge’ Fakery

21WIRE | Another staged rescue operation from the White Helmets.

SYRIA: ‘Rebels’ Fabricate Child Victims to Sell Western Intervention & Regime Change

21WIRE + IN THE NOW | “Why does the media want us to cry for some dead Syrian kids but not others?”

Syria: French-Sponsored Terrorist Media Sites Smear Russia in Attempt to Impose ‘No Fly Zone’

Finian Cunningham | France’s clandestine terror mouthpiece smears Russia.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Aleppo Media Centre’ Funded By French Foreign Office, EU and US

Vanessa Beeley | CNN and the mainstream media’s ‘go-to’ news source in Syria – now unmasked as western-funded propaganda mill.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue