Shawn Helton | Western and NATO allies remain untouched by the proxy death squads they themselves have surreptitiously cultivated in large parts of the Middle East.
TERROR SWARM: West Propels ISIS Death Squads, As Iraqi PM Maliki Finally Forced Out
August 20, 2014 By 1 Comment
The Arc of ISIS: Western ‘Regime Change’ Rouses The Masses With New Brand Of Terror
July 5, 2014 By 4 Comments
Shawn Helton | Western proxy creatures are driving a hard nail into the sectarian conflict of Shia and Sunni, culminating in forces pushing for the exit of Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki.
INVADING IRAQ 2.0: ISIS Propaganda, Proxy Wars & NATO’s ‘Blitzkrieg’
June 25, 2014 By 8 Comments
Shawn Helton | The ISIS terror campaign appears to have been rolled out with a decades old objective, which is wrought with violence and propaganda.
As Britain and France Beg EU to Ship Arms, Their Proxy Rebels Establish Sharia Law in Parts of Syria
March 15, 2013 By 2 Comments
Patrick Henningsen | US and British-backed jihadists already have established their “Sharia Committee for the Eastern Region” in Syria.