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UK Elections in a Cauldron of Terror – GR Interview with Patrick Henningsen

Global Research | Deconstructing different aspects of the recent Terror attacks and how they impacted the campaigns and UK General Election – and the repercussions for the nation and the Western world.

British Terrorism Puts Foreign Policy Blowback on The Agenda

21WIRE | Western foreign policy has got to change.

TODAY’S COLUMN: May’s Police State Power-grab Post-London Bridge, Saudi vs Qatar and the Endless War on Yemen

UK Column News | Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson, joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and AFP’s Mark Anderson with today’s news round-up.

#LondonAttacks: The UK’s New War on ‘Online Extremism’

21WIRE + The Independent | What’s behind Britain’s crackdown on the internet?

LONDON BRIDGE ATTACKS: Who Knew, Who Benefits The Most?

Shawn Helton | What twists and turns will we see in the official story following this latest ‘act of terror’ in the UK?

MANCHESTER: Radicalization and Violent Extremism is the Responsibility of Western Governments

Jeremy Salt | “There are no policemen on duty and like a gang of jewel thieves, the collective ‘west’, having got away with numerous crimes”

‘Manchester Atrocity Lifts Rock of British Foreign Policy, Reveals Faustian Alliance with Extreme Islam” ~ John Pilger

John Pilger | The war on terror was never about defeating terrorism but about conquest and subjugation

TODAY’S COLUMN: Mortgage Fraud, EU Blues, End of Nation States and Stephen Fry’s New A.I.

UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen are joined by Alex Thomson and Anthony Carlin for today’s news program.

BIZARRE: 7/7 Survivor Commits Suicide After Manchester Bombing

21WIRE + The Independent | Apparent suicide of terror victim connects 7/7 to Manchester bombing.

THE COLUMN: Post-Manchester, May’s War on the Internet, ISIS in Philippines, Macron’s Red Line

UK Column News | Mike Robinson joined by Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley on this news edition.

Corbyn Agrees: Foreign Policy Responsible for Manchester Attack

21WIRE | Could a Corbyn win in Britain’s election break the cycle?

Episode #187 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Threat Level: Ludicrous’ with Mike Robinson plus special guests

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

MANCHESTER’S KNOWN WOLF: Watched by MI5 with Ties to NATO-Backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean?

Shawn Helton | Though many are still unsettled in the wake of the Manchester arena bombing – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror in the West.

FRAUD – Serious Questions Remain About The Daesh Manchester Video

21WIRE | We take a closer look at the video in which ISIS claimed to have carried out the Manchester attack.

TODAY’S COLUMN: Manchester’s Staged News, Trump’s Saudi Doublespeak and NATO’s Kennel Club

UK Column News | Theresa May’s new one party state, Trump’s Saudi dervish and the W.A.G.S. of NATO.

JOHN PILGER: UK, US Foreign Policy in Middle East – “A Recipe for Hideous Disaster and More Manchesters”

21WIRE | UK deeply involved in the “mayhem, exploitation and suffering of the Middle East”

Boiler Room EP #110 – A Deeper Game: Masters of Chaos Strike Again

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Basil Valentine & FunkSoul discussing Trump’s Middle East trip and the Manchester terror event.

CORRECT: Manchester Bomber Linked to British-Backed Terror Group in Libya

21WIRE | Sometimes, you just don’t want to be right.

Did British Officials Train Manchester Attacker as “Moderate Rebel” in Syria?

21WIRE | This is a question firmly rooted in fact.

TODAY’S COLUMN: Troops on the Streets of Britain, More Rightwing Anger Towards Muslims

UK Column News | UK ‘Alt-Right’ leaders are now hinting at street warfare by labelling British Muslims as “enemy combatants.”

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue