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SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The End of Germ Theory’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Modern virology is dead, and COVID killed it.

Vernon Coleman: ‘The Biggest and Most Powerful Lie Doctors Tell’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | They refuse to debate the myth, because they know they will lose the debate.

Blighted by the Bay: San Francisco’s Homeless Epidemic and ‘Perilous Trifecta’

21WIRE | Leaders of Democrat-led cities across America virtue signal while their populations descend into more poverty, crime and drug addiction.

Jabs for Joints: Free Bag of Marijuana With Your COVID Vaccine

21WIRE | The new experimental mRNA vaccine is so unpopular, that health workers have resorted to bribing the youth with recreational drugs.

Hollywood Plots and Plots in Hollywood

Jay Dyer | “All these people that run studios, they go to Washington, they hang around with senators, they hang around with CIA directors, and everybody’s on board.”

What’s the Leading Killer of American Adults Under 50? Drug Overdose.

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | In 2017, cheaper, newer and more deadly drugs continue to ruin families and communities around the world.

Bringing NATO’s Demonic ‘Democracy’ to Libya & Syria: Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | The larger agenda behind NATO’s proxy wars in Libya and Syria and the Anglo-American imperial strategy to destabilize nations.

The Entire Mainstream Warmongering Media is Fake

Jay Dyer | The black hole of deception calls the kettle black.

The World’s Most Dangerous Drug Dealers

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | This drug pushing cartel harvests millions of human souls each day.

The DEA: America’s Largest Cocaine Smuggler

Libertarian News + Business Insider | The Chicago area has been flooded with Class A drugs — under the direct control of the DEA.

Is Christopher Dorner Another ‘Psychiatric’ Killer?

By Jon RappoportNo More Fake News Accepting on faith any part of the official scenario in this case is risky and ill-advised, but assuming Dorner is guilty of committing murders, his highly publicized manifesto may hold a clue. Buried in the text, here is one of his statements. As usual, the major media are ignoring […]

Why Are Suicides Climbing in the Military? Let’s Look at the Drugs Being Prescribed

Medication questions about troops… by Martha RosenbergOpEd News Why does the suicide rate among military personnel continue to climb–even among those who never saw combat? This week the Pentagon announced there were more suicides among active-duty members of the armed services in 2012 than combat deaths – a staggering 349. Eighty-five percent had not even […]


21WIRE | Will Big Pharma allow cannabis to be legal in Europe?

John McAfee Hiding Out in Belize: Sex, Drugs and Anti-virus Software

Telegraph | John McAfee is on the loose in the jungle…

Documentary Film: ‘The Beautiful Truth’ – Curing Cancer Naturally

We are being killed by a million cuts, slowly but surely. But there is hope… “The United States, and on a smaller scale Europe, is being propelled towards total disaster through the deliberate poisoning of our most essential basic need – our food. Within the last hundred years food manufacturers, through their clever and aggressive […]

FDA Looking to Ban B6 Supplements, Give Boost to Big Pharma

Elizabeth RenterActivist PostSept 27, 2012 Vitamin B6, naturally present in a variety of foods, is necessary for proper nerve function, protein synthesis, regulating blood sugar, and producing antibodies and hemoglobin. In other words, it’s pretty important stuff. But, while many people get their B6 through supplements, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is looking to […]


Brixton Voice | Inspirational story about a young man who turned the table of fortune.

Steady Stream of Drug Money Departs Afghanistan, U.S. Officials Flummoxed

Kurt Nimmo | Drugs and guns – a CIA love story. But who is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar?

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue