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Anti-Stand Your Ground PSA Video a gross violation of liberty

21WIRE + Watchdog Wire | The Government and media choose events to suit an overall agenda, omitting the truth.

Race War on Twitter: Trayvon Martin supporters campaign to ‘Behead Zimmerman’

21WIRE + Examiner | Latest string of death threats to Zimmerman show the double standard that exists under current Party rulers.

Was Jacksonville, FLA double murder a revenge attack for Zimmerman verdict?

21st Century Wire | Why isn’t the US Department of Justice investigating this possible Trayvon reprisal attack in Florida?

Trayvon Martin’s family attorney claims to be ‘social engineer’ for justice, outside of law

21st Century Wire | It appears as if a highly organized apparatus has been culled together to challenge the moral fabric of this country, intentionally creating division.

MOB RULE: Trayvon Twitter Mobs Demand ‘Federal Justice’ and New ‘Race Hate’ Retrial

Peter Sterry | “Never let a good crisis go to waste” – has never been more true than with this show trial.

Zimmerman Acquitted: Political agitators move in, race mobs on standby

21st Century Wire | Political race-baiting over Zimmerman trial has driven America to the edge of an all-out race war.

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