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As Legal Pot Market Grows, More Children Getting Sick from ‘Edibles’

AP | New calls for greater vigilance by parents and laws to make pot products less appealing and accessible to children.

Jabs for Joints: Free Bag of Marijuana With Your COVID Vaccine

21WIRE | The new experimental mRNA vaccine is so unpopular, that health workers have resorted to bribing the youth with recreational drugs.

Biden’s Heir Apparent: Who is Kamala Harris?

21WIRE | With Biden unable to complete his first term, his VP pick could end up seizing power. Here’s what you need to know.

George Soros and the GMO Cannabis Revolution

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Globalist George Soros and his Open Society Institute are pushing hard for legalisation of drugs in certain countries.

3 People Shot at Pro-Marijuana Rally in Denver

Chicago Tribune | A man and a woman were each shot in the leg and a youth was grazed by a bullet, but the wounds were not life-threatening


21WIRE | Will Big Pharma allow cannabis to be legal in Europe?

POT LUCK: Washington State to Legalize Marijuana Without DOJ ‘Guidance’

Washington Post | Finally, adults in Washington state will be able to smoke marijuana legally.

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