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Oprah Stoking the Flames of Race Politics

21WIRE + Newsbusters | Is this the real Oprah-Effect?

HORRIFIC: Young student cuts throat of math teacher, then dumps body in woods

21st Century Wire | “My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”.

The Propaganda Machine: The ‘Deen-Martin’ Psyop Shoots T.V. Zombies

21WIRE + DM | Modern-day producers of propaganda bend our mind with a false reality, mixed with rewriting events – all to spark a predictable reaction.

Anti-Stand Your Ground PSA Video a gross violation of liberty

21WIRE + Watchdog Wire | The Government and media choose events to suit an overall agenda, omitting the truth.

President Trayvon? Exposing the ‘chain of fools’ following Barack Obama

Doctor of Common Sense | The Doctor of Common Sense, ET Williams, delivers an injection of reality into the myth of Barack Obama.

Obama’s Plays Politics After the Death of Trayvon Martin

21WIRE + NYT | Obama has debased and reduced America to a black and white argument.

DOJ head Holder is ‘holding’ Zimmerman’s gun

21WIRE | Thankfully, there’s this old CSPAN tape that refuses to go away.

Zimmerman Acquitted: Political agitators move in, race mobs on standby

21st Century Wire | Political race-baiting over Zimmerman trial has driven America to the edge of an all-out race war.

DOJ Actively Worked to Foment Racial Unrest, Spending Thousands in Taxpayer Funds

21st Century Wire | Taking federal government social management to an entirely new level – by injecting race into a criminal case.

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