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Maxine Waters on RussiaGate: ‘I Believe, Even Though I Don’t Have the Facts’

21WIRE | Until the Fourth Estate wakes from its slumber and challenges the long-running hoax that is RussiaGate, then polarization will only intensify, and ‘democracy’ will continue to degrade.

WATCH: Media Losing Their Minds Over Craven ‘Russiagate’ Coverage

21WIRE | Mashing up the media’s craven ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory coverage.

The ‘Torture Experience’ & Soy-Boi Apocalypse – Boiler Room EP #187

Alternate Current Radio | Hesh, Spore, Jay Dyer, Jamie Hanshaw, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh for this meeting of the ACR Brain-trust. Get ready for a wild look into the news stories of the week with that special Boiler Room irreverence.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue