Jonathan Turley | Bottom line: whatever their view of Trump, this decision should rest with the voters.
Why SCOTUS Should Rule Unanimously Against Colorado’s Trump Ballot Ban
Colorado State Court Removes Trump From 2024 Ballot – U.S. Supreme Court Challenge Expected
21WIRE | The decision is the latest election interference tactic designed to silence political opponents, and fix the outcome of a major US electoral race.
Colorado Democrats Pass ‘Rules’ That Prohibit Election Audits
21WIRE | Democrats decree new ‘measures’ which prohibit independent election audits from taking place in their state.
More Statistical Fraud: Florida, Texas, Colorado – All Caught Inflating COVID Cases and Deaths
21WIRE | Multiple US states caught inflating “cases” and deaths through systemic fraud by public health officials.
Colorado ‘Mudslide’ Looks Like Fracking Nightmare
21WIRE + Intellihub | Will this 4-mile long fracking eruption ever be admitted by mainstream media?
3 People Shot at Pro-Marijuana Rally in Denver
Chicago Tribune | A man and a woman were each shot in the leg and a youth was grazed by a bullet, but the wounds were not life-threatening
Does Aurora shooter James Holmes really have a Doppelgänger?
21st Century Wire | This story may be the epitome of a wild, nutty ‘conspiracy theory’, but beyond that, are we being told everything there is to know about the Aurora shooting?
POT LUCK: Washington State to Legalize Marijuana Without DOJ ‘Guidance’
Washington Post | Finally, adults in Washington state will be able to smoke marijuana legally.