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UK: The Case Against Securitizing The Economy

Stuart J. Hooper | A in-depth look at why it’s not necessary to consider the financial sector as a ‘national security’ issue.

Barclays sued over ‘Dark Pool’ Trading and Manipulating High Frequency Deals

21WIRE + Bloomberg | Does this new information signify that an impending financial collapse is also close at hand?

Will Eric Holder Really Nail Big Banks For Their Currency Trading Fraud?

21WIRE + Deal Book | Hold the press: “The manipulation we’ve seen so far may just be the tip of the iceberg”.

Inside Bilderberg: Clues left in the Grove Hotel reveal another piece to their financial agenda

21st Century Wire | Bilderberg’s discussed gaming the world financial markets indicating a scandal even bigger than LIBOR.

Bilderberg Group Captures Bank of England – Why Britain Keep Drinking the Globalist Kool-Aid

By Eamonn Fingleton Forbes Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Although the aphorism is overused, it accurately describes the dog’s dinner that British leaders have made of their society in the last half century. A good example of what I mean is the news overnight that the British government has appointed […]

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