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Search Results for: greece

Hollande Defies Hebdo False Flag, Calls for Greater Autonomy in East Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Hollande says that the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk need autonomy from Kiev.

Britain Launches ‘Big Brother’ System, Uploads One Third of Population to Facial Recognition Database

21WIRE + BBC | Far from tracking criminals, the new system may eventually be used to track and monitor anyone with ‘anti-government’ views.

British Police Do NOT Want You Watching Live Terror Events! Why Might That Be?

Stuart J. Hooper + The Guardian | British Police are practically admitting that what goes on during a terror event is not all that meets the eye.

Podemos Draws 100,000 For Anti-Austerity Rally Madrid

Guardian | The message is clear as crowds say: “Greece gives us hope”

Rockstar: Syriza’s Yanis Tells Troika Bankers to Take a Hike Back to Brussels

21WIRE + RT | This is a major poke in the eye to central banking masters of usury.

HEBDO CHASE: Anti-Terror Raids ‘Rolled Out’ After Paris Attacks Fraudulent Narrative

21WIRE + RT | The Paris Attacks served as a jagged catalyst for the security apparatus and media, while clouding the public conversation with highly deceptive propaganda.

The Charlie Hebdo False Flag in Paris: Theory, Evidence and Motive

Stuart J. Hooper | A definitive article presenting a theory of false flag terrorism in relation to evidence and motives available for the case of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris.

How Big Banks Conspire With Big Oil To Manipulate Currency and Commodity Markets

Washington’s Blog | Until Wall Street executives are finally thrown in jail, the criminality and blatant manipulation will grow and spread and metastasize.

GAME CHANGERS: 2015 Predictions and Trends from 21WIRE

21WIRE FEATURE | Looking ahead at your Brave New World in 2015….

THE QUEEN’S SPEECH: Deciphered by Chris Everard

Christopher Everard | One man’s breakdown of a famous public holiday ritual in the global fiefdom.

Ebola Fears Trigger Panic Sell-Off, Stocks Into a Tailspin

21WIRE + ECB | That was a dramatic tremor for sure, but what happens when a full-blown pandemic or disaster hits?

Date With Destiny: Is Independence for Eastern Ukraine a ‘Done Deal’?

Andrew McKillop | No amount of kicking, crying, or screaming from Washington or London can change the fact that Eastern Ukraine will eventually win some level recognition.

Elite Psychopathy: FIRE Everything and Forget the Future

Andrew McKillop | Can we stop them, before they implode our economy and society?

Planetary Fiat: Does a $100 Trillion Debt Total Really Matter?

James Hall | More than ever, debt is everywhere, but it just does not seem to matter. Why?


Andrew McKillop | A kind of Pan Asian ‘shatterbelt’ is emerging and nobody can stop it.


Andrew McKillop | It’s officially an evolutionary crisis when the feral monkeys start looking smarter than our jet-setting monkeys in suits.

A Turkey Retrospective: Celebrating Thanksgiving DC Beltway-Style

21st Century Wire | A lot of folks have a lot to be thankful for this year, here’s just a few…

Now NATO is getting in on the digital snooping racket

Tony Gosling | “It’s all for national security”. No, it’s illegal.

John Cleese: ‘Syria and Alert to threats in Europe’

John Cleese | A masterpiece in prose revisited…

Risk of social unrest rises in EU

Deutsche Welle | The worse the EU’s economic and political position becomes, the higher the risk of social unrest. That means the potential for social unrest has risen in countries such as Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia the Czech Republic.

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