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INTERVIEW – Mitch Feierstein: ‘Planet Ponzi, SVB & The Global Banking Casino’

TNT Radio | The SVB collapse and why the US government’s rescue plan was just the latest massive bailout for the bankers.

INTERVIEW – F. William Engdahl: ‘Gods of Money’ & Global Financial Collapse

SUNDAY WIRE | The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and what it now means for risk to the global economy.

The Coming Economic Crisis And “Opportunity”

21WIRE + Roy Morrison | Amidst the heat of geopolitical matters, geo-economics is continuing a spiraling path to collapse.

Risk of social unrest rises in EU

Deutsche Welle | The worse the EU’s economic and political position becomes, the higher the risk of social unrest. That means the potential for social unrest has risen in countries such as Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia the Czech Republic.

The U.S. can’t afford a Chinese economic collapse

Reuters | The Chinese government finally recognizing that a rapid implosion of the property market could disrupt economic growth.

Global Currency Race: Germany is back in Pole Position, Ahead of China

21WIre | China and Germany are now head-to-head in the global currency sweepstakes.

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