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Search Results for: greece

Ukraine Three-way Deal: France to Buy MIRAGE Jets from UAE, Greece and Indonesia for Kiev

Freddie Ponton | What does France hope to achieve through its three-way fighter jet swap for Ukraine?

Greece Used as the Willing Dupe to Usher in Global Vaccine Passports

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | The aggressively push for a new global human tracking system as an ‘interim step’ to help speed our return to ‘normality’.

UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers

21WIRE | UK and Greece governments have quietly cooked-up this illegal policy behind the backs of the population.

EU Sends Reinforcements to Greece to Help Secure Border With Turkey

AP | Greece is struggling to stop a massive wave of migrants pushing in from the east.

No Man’s Land: ‘Former’ American ISIS Terrorist Stranded Between Greece and Turkey

21WIRE + South Front | Why is US now abandoning its previously valued jihadi field assets deployed in Syria?

MEANWHILE IN GREECE: More Bailouts & Austerity

21WIRE | Oh, so you forgot about Greece?

Austerity Bites: Greece Erupts in Street Riots Again

21WIRE + AFP | The streets of Greece explode again, this time over pension reforms by technocrats.

Syriza Snap Vote: Tsipras Declares Early Victory With New Coalition For Greece

21WIRE + Sputnik | He traded austerity for Greece’s third international bailout – and he’s got a rough road ahead.

Ukraine Does A Greece: Fascist State Goes Into Economic Freefall

21WIRE + Sputnik News | The IMF are now planning to ‘restructure’ the Ukraine’s $22.7 billion in new debt.

IT’S OFFICIAL: Greece Joins Africa in IMF Ghetto of ‘Third World’ Nations

Nizar Visram | Thanks to the lords of usury, Greece has now joined Africa as part of the ‘developing’ world.

CRISIS SOLUTION: How Greece Can Claim A ‘National Security’ Debt Write Off

Stuart J. Hooper | There is a little known precedent to write off debt for national security reasons. This is how Greece can do just that.

Apres ‘NO’: Patrick Henningsen Discusses What We Can Expect With Greece

Patrick Henningsen | Plans are already afoot to railroad Syriza’s fiscal rebellion in Greece.

GREECE: The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media

21WIRE + Global Research + Truth and Satire | Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

SYRIZA DEFIES THE BANKERS: Greece Closes Banks, Imposes Capital Controls

21WIRE + RT | Bankers say: ‘Accept our currency and debt straitjacket, or be damned.’

Greece: Is The Euro A Failure?

21WIRE + Crosstalk | Are things about to get messy in Greece?

Gosling on Greece: The People Vs The Banks

21WIRE + Tony Gosling | The original home of democracy is seeing its values threatened like never before.

US Desperate to Steer Greece Away From Russian-Turkish Pipeline Project

Patrick Henningsen | The US and Russia are currently locked in a battle for regional energy dominance in Europe.

Tarpley: Lessons for American Opposition to Wall Street Rule from Syriza Victory in Greece

21WIRE + Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley | In this broadcast, Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley explains how to apply Syriza’s winning model to the United States.

More British (Banker) Fear Mongering Over Greece’s New Syriza Government

21WIRE + RT | Britain’s chief Ponzi scheme operator is lecturing Greece on managing its debt.

An Examination of How Syriza Won in Greece

21WIRE + Dr. Webster Griffin Tarpley | In this interview, Tarpley explains the demands and policy routes Syriza chose which led to their victory.

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