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Search Results for: saudi arabia

Spying on Our Allies: US taps half-billion German phone and internet activities a month

Global Research + RT | Now the Germans are getting targeted by both GCHQ and the NSA.

Obama uses NLP to cloud minds and avoid diplomacy with Iran over its nonexistent nukes

Patrick Henningsen | US-led diplomacy on Iran is based on deception, and has little to do with nuclear weapons.

The Terror of Woolwich: Many more questions than answers.

Stuart J. Hooper | This could be one of the richest crimes scenes in history, or it’s flat as a pancake.

Lavrov: Russia finalizing weapons contracts to Syria, no new deals planned

21st Century Wire | Russia asserts its right under international law to conduct deals with Syria.

Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell and Her Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections

21st Century Wire | These are not mere coincidences – these are the most well-connected people you can imagine.

Why does Boston celebrate Martial Law with chants of ‘USA, USA’?

Patrick Henningsen | Why was Friday such a ‘Patriotic’ event for the people of Boston, and America?

Dirty Justice: Pentagon conveniently ‘loses’ thousands of key legal defense docs for Gitmo detainees

21st Century Wire | After 12 years, the US establishment is still trying to tell a 9/11 fairy tale – what a hole they’ve dug themselves…

Iraq 2.0: West will now lean on UN to delivery a WMD verdict in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | Washington’s fake WMD issue may take center stage once again – this time in Syria.

John Kerry Prepping for War? US Sec. of State tells Iraq to close airspace for Iranian planes

21st Century Wire | John Kerry’s “kinder, gentler” foreign policy mission is now underway, prepping for another war.

What’s Really Behind Israel’s Latest Mea Culpa Over the Gaza Flotilla

Patrick Henningsen | Obama’s trip to the region was to insure that both Israel and Turkey are on board with NATO designs in Syria

As Britain and France Beg EU to Ship Arms, Their Proxy Rebels Establish Sharia Law in Parts of Syria

Patrick Henningsen | US and British-backed jihadists already have established their “Sharia Committee for the Eastern Region” in Syria.

Guilty: US, UK and France are training Syrian rebels – in Jordan

RT | NATO is clearly guilty of stoking one of the most violent proxy sieges of a country this century.

Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria

Patrick Henningsen | The west are openly and illegally running weapons into Syria, but will the international community act accordingly?

More Revelations: Philip Marshall’s Coroner Speaks

Greg Fernandez Jr | Citizen journalists continue to dig where the mainstream media will not go.

7 Countries Beefing Up Their Militaries in Today’s More Dangerous World

Policymic | The balance of power in the world is changing due to an increase of military spending

Philip Marshall ‘Murder-Suicide’ – A Lack of Evidence

Greg Fernandez Jr. | The biggest conspiracy theory here… is the one that the police have come up with.

Suspected Terrorists: Brits are quietly stripped of citizenship… then killed by drones

The Independent |The Government has secretly ramped up a controversial programme that strips people of their British citizenship.

New Report Says Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused Benghazigate, Stevens Death

Patrick Henningsen | It wasn’t a YouTube film that caused the Benghazi debacle.Here’s the real story…

Egypt’s Morsi Shuts Down YouTube

Egypt Shuts Down YouTube for One Month Over ‘Anti-Islam Film’ Timur MoonIB Times An Egyptian court has ordered that the video-sharing website YouTube be blocked for one month, in the wake of the scandal surrounding a video that caused outrage in the Muslim world. The verdict will force the closure of any website that allowed users […]


Andrew McKillop | Hillary broke from tradition by avoiding all serious attempts at solving US-sponsored quagmires like Afghanistan and Israel.

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