Patrick Henningsen21stCentury WireJanuary 16, 2013 BEIRUT – On arrival to Lebanon’s capital city, all seems very functional and normal on the surface, as the city runs business as usual. Below the surface however, there is a feeling of trepidation, an unspoken collective worry that a city and country who has gradually managed to pick up […]
Search Results for: saudi arabia
China to build world’s tallest building – in just 90 days
21WIRE | Chinese construction giant is determined to win the world’s ultimate pissing contest.
Military Escalation: Israel launches Missile Attack Against Syria
Global Reseach Niall Green Following the re-election of Barack Obama in last week’s US presidential poll, Washington and its allies have stepped up their war drive against Syria. In the most serious escalation of the 20-month conflict in the Middle East country, the Israeli armed forces fired a missile into Syrian territory Sunday. The strike, […]
Watch this stunning documentary – as this film crew gets exclusive access to the most isolated country in Africa, which has been victorious in recent wars against not one but two superpowers. Visits to the key historical sites of a nation with a 1,200 km Red Sea coastline across from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and […]
Arch Paedophile Jimmy Savile was Israel supporter and devout Zionist
21WIRE + | Professional paedophile Jimmy Savile found many friends amongst Zionists and Israeli leaders.
ARAB MOCKINGBIRD: ‘Alleged abuses on both sides of Syrian conflict’ says Al Jazeera, while only showing one side the story
Patrick Henningsen | Al Jazeera is currently masquerading as an “alternative” view in global media coverage, but it’s only western propaganda.
The Summer of Muslim Discontent: It’s Not “The Amateur Film” Stupid
By Prof. James Petras Global Research Sept 22, 2012 The so-called “Arab Spring:” is a distant and bitter memory to those who fought and struggled for a better world, not to speak of the thousands who lost, life and limb. In its place, throughout the Muslim world, a new wave of reactionaries, corrupt and servile politicians […]
Danny Dayem and CNN’s Mockingbird Media Agitprop Shop
Patrick Henningsen | CNN’s outrageous agitprop theatrics continue, complete with fake gun fire and mock explosions made-to-order for a clueless American public. .
Obama’s Secret Letter to Tehran: Is the War against Iran On Hold?
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya 4th Media January 23, 2012 “The Road to Tehran Goes through Damascus” The New York Times announced that the Obama Administration had sent an important letter to the leadership of Iran on January 12, 2012. [1] On January 15, 2012, the spokesperson of the Iranian Foreign Ministry acknowledged that the letter had been […]
Washington’s plan to isolate Iran is drifting towards a profitable stalemate
Patrick Henningsen | There are still massive profits to be made by key players in both the global defense and petroleum industries.
Why Attacking Iran Will NOT Work in 2012
Patrick Henningsen | Any nuclear conflagration by the US or Israel would most certainly result in a global backlash against the West – at its worst acting as a procession into the hot stages of World War III – but it won’t happen this year.
Andrew McKillop | While Venezuelan paper dollar assets can easily be frozen, this does not apply to metallic gold.
War Inc: Inside the Pentagon’s Psychological Operation to Suck the Masses into Their War Machine
Alexander Higgins | Curious how the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history will be taught to future generations?
The “Rape in Libya” Story – Our Military’s Latest Fairytale
By Peter Dale Scott June 17, 2011 It is a troubled time for NATO’s campaign against Libya. President Obama has seen a near-revolt in Congress against the costly war, while Defense Secretary Gates in Brussels has warned his European allies that their tepid response “is putting the Libya mission and the alliance’s very future at […]
MARKET FLASH: Oil set for a big price jump
By Andrew McKillop 21st Century Wire MARKET INSIGHT June 6, 2011 Oil is again a leading asset for possible rapid price growth. The reasons are however rather strange and sinister: Wall Street is demanding higher prices, very especially by Goldman Sachs Group Inc which says the price should (it says “could”) reach $ 130 a […]
Andrew McKillop | Oil is not favoured in that sombre scenario – but the food commodities are.