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Whitewash: Benghazi Siege could have been ‘prevented’ says Senate report

21Wire + WP | Will we ever learn the full details about Benghazi?

BENGHAZI: A trail of blood, deception and double agents

Shawn Helton | A trail of blood and lies have been left in Benghazi.

New Report Says Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused Benghazigate, Stevens Death

Patrick Henningsen | It wasn’t a YouTube film that caused the Benghazi debacle.Here’s the real story…

New Petition: Ensure Sec of State Clinton Testifies to Events 9/11/2012 in Benghazi, Libya

21WIRE Xtra | To all Senators, Congressmen and Governors of these United States…

FOR THE RECORD: Obama sat on General Petraeus Affair – That’s Treason.

21st Century Wire Says: The General Petraeus Affair could come back to bite Obama badly. The White House knew about it, covered it up, all in order to secure an election victory. That’s a shrewd risk on the part of the White House. Power it seems, trumps the general welfare for some. General Petraeus and […]

AMERICAN BEAUTY: Petraeus Affair Used to Cloud Obama’s Benghazigate

Patrick Henningsen | The former CIA head won’t be testifying in the upcoming Congressional hearings on Obama’s cock-up in Benghazi. Very convenient.

BENGHAZI-GATE: Washington’s Violent Internal Feud Over Libya Attack

Sean Sullivan | US politicians have turned Benghazi into a partisan circus – in order to hide Washington’s covert crimes.

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