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Syria says rebels insurgents would ‘take years’ to match army’s strength

21st Century Wire | Suspect western leaders are trying to sell the same old chestnut in Syria…

More Revelations: Philip Marshall’s Coroner Speaks

Greg Fernandez Jr | Citizen journalists continue to dig where the mainstream media will not go.

Philip Marshall ‘Murder-Suicide’ – A Lack of Evidence

Greg Fernandez Jr. | The biggest conspiracy theory here… is the one that the police have come up with.

Zero Dark Thirty wins ‘Riefenstahl Oscar’ for Best Propaganda Film

Patrick Henningsen | There’s an obvious problem with Kathryn Bigelow’s latest film, so it’s no surprise that it’s bagged this year’s Speer Prize.

9/11 and Philip Marshall Murder-Suicide Questions: My Trip To Murphys

Greg Fernandez Jr | Philip Marshall is dead, but new questions arise about the official explanation of his alleged ‘murder-suicide’.

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