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Kenyan Terror Attack Designed to Open Up New ‘War on Terror’ Front in East Africa

21WIRE + Land Destroyer | Forget about KONY 2012, get ready for the next War on Terror big-style beachhead in Africa.

Tsarnaev Wife Katherine Russell and Her Skull and Bones, CIA Family Connections

21st Century Wire | These are not mere coincidences – these are the most well-connected people you can imagine.

VIDEO: Boston Resident Blasts Reporter Over Marathon Bombing Coverage

Huffington Post | Verbal clash between Boston resident and Dan Bidondi of Infowars. (WARNING: Graphic language.)

Craig Murray: ‘Official Tsarnaev Story Makes No Sense’

Craig Murray | Former US Ambassador and human right activist exposes to gaping holes in the FBI’s story.

Serious Condition of Boston Suspect Raises Questions About What Police Did and When

21st Century Wire | Should the public trust the FBI and Boston Police to deliver a full and accurate account of these events?

VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed

21st Century Wire | The following video below is a clip was just released via YouTube. We are told it is from a Brazilian television news channel covering the Boston Bomber suspect chase.

Graphic Photo: Exclusive Coroner Image of Boston Bombings Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev

21st Century Wire | Unconfirmed: Death Photo of Boston Marathon Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

BOSTON SHOOTOUT: Boston Police and FBI release two different sets of names

21st Century Wire | There’s a contradiction between what was announced on Boston Police scanners and what is being released to the national media via AP and from the FBI.

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