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Search Results for: saudi arabia

BRACE YOURSELF: The Chinese Car Bomb is Coming

Andrew Mckillop | China and India’s future appetite for cars and fuel will drarwf anything the US or Europe has ever seen.


A. Ceapach Donald | Violence in the Arab and Muslim world will curb oil supplies, pushing prices up.


Andrew McKillop | The world finance industry is primed and ready for the second nuclear asset bubble.


Andrew McKillop | Colour Revoltutions, GMO’s, land wars, and resource wars – are all converging for the perfect geopolitical storm to take place now.

THE ARAB SPRING: Behind the Scenes of a 21st Century Revolution

Tony Cartalucci | It’s Color Revolution 2.0 – run directly out of US State Department, with the support of corporate America.

Botched CIA Kidnapping and the PR War – Is the Agency is Losing Its Touch?

Patrick Henningsen | Whether it’s McClellan-Bush or Gibbs-Obama, the message and the game are one in the same.

Afghans Claim: US, Pakistan Created and Funds Taliban

Kurt Nimmo | Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted the Taliban was created by the United States.

Federal Judge Orders FBI to Finally Release Seth Rich’s Laptop

21WIRE | The FBI and DOJ spent years manipulating the legal system in order to avoid disclosing key evidence.

Tulsi Gabbard Was Right About Syria

Maj. Danny Sjursen | For the US, the Syria debacle was a wildly byzantine, self-defeating redux of 2003 Iraq War and 1980s anti-Soviet campaign in Afghanistan.

British Aid to Venezuela: A Soft Power Tool Kit

Nina Cross | UK aid to Venezuela is rooted in a familiar neoliberal political agenda – helping to create division and instability.

Memo Reveals Hillary Clinton’s Role as a Chief Architect of Syrian War

Daniel Lazare | WikiLeaks memo reveals the extent to which Clinton had plunged the U.S. deeper into the Syrian war.

Financial Investigators Testify That Clinton Foundation Operated as ‘Foreign Agent’

21WIRE + Sara A. Carter | The potential rap sheet is long and storied, but will any of it ever be prosecuted?

WHITE HELMETS: The John McCain Connections and is the “Funding Freeze” for Real?

Vanessa Beeley | The White Helmets “funding freeze” may just be another publicity stunt by their PR agencies.

Yemeni Resistance Shoots Down US Reaper Drone in Western Yemen

21WIRE | Yemeni resistance brings down illegal US Reaper drone.

PHILIPPINES: Washington is not Amused, Another CIA/ISIS Joint Destabilization Campaign Underway

William Engdahl | “CIA have chosen their favorite cover, the otherwise laughable deception of head-choppers called ISIS”

‘Stop Arming Terrorists Bill’ Fails in US Congress After Getting Only 13 Supporters

21WIRE + Matt Agorist | For the last 40 years the United States has been the world’s ‘number one state sponsor of terrorism.’

Episode #185 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Unseen Subterfuge in Syria’ with Marwa Osman, Steven Sahiounie

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | In the Middle East again this week, LIVE from the Levant…

SYRIA: Safe Zones? No Thank You!

Syriana Analysis + 21WIRE | Syria is a safe zone, without NATO and Gulf State intervention

BERLIN’S KNOWN WOLF: Prior Criminal Plot, Watched Before Christmas Attack – Mirroring Nice Attack

Shawn Helton | The Berlin attack provides another twisted terror plot wrapped up in a matter of days without a judge, jury or trial – while Germany focuses its efforts on internet censorship.

SYRIA: The White Helmets, Their Backers and Their Many Shades of Grey

Jan Oberg | The White Helmets slick PR campaigns and multi million NATO-state funding raise important questions

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue