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Search Results for: Cold war

US Navy SEALS Were Trained to Use ‘Backpack Nukes’ During Cold War

21WIRE + RT | Still, many Americans are in denial that their own country has already developed – and deployed, smaller tactical ‘battlefield nukes’.

A New, Not-So-Cold War – Being Run Through Proxies

21wire+TDS | A Game of Thrones is very much in play between the former Cold War powers.

North Korea: Beyond the cold war theatrics, is there really a nuclear threat to US?

Patrick Henningsen | The truth about North Korea is that they cannot launch a nuclear attack on the US.

New Cold War: Russia, China Coodinate Response Against U.S. Global Missile Shield

Global Research | Both Russia and China raise grave concerns over US plans to build a global missile ‘defense’ system.

Cold War all over again, Russia Counters US Missile Shield from the Seas

Press TV | Thanks to the USA, the world is increasingly becoming militarized.


Patrick Henningsen | Moummar Qaddafi refused to sign-up to Washington’s takeover of Africa, and would pay the ultimate price.

War in Europe? The Russian Bear in East & Ukrainian Refugees in The West

Dr Can Erimtan | Just how much longer can the West’s pic gravy train in Ukraine carry on?

How Zionists Rewrote the History of The Second World War

Nial McCrae | To better understand the current upheaval in the Holy Land, it helps to know there are always two sides to history.

‘Human Augmentation’ – Warfare of the Immediate Future?

Julian Rose | It’s the stuff of science fiction, but are we now seeing the coming of a new era of strategic advantage?

UK Media Now Admitting NATO’s Proxy War in Ukraine is a Disaster

21WIRE | Takeaway: ‘Ukraine and the West are facing a devastating defeat.’

IMF Reveals Grim Warning for Global Economy

RT International | ‘After decades of increasing global integration, there is a growing risk that the world may split into rival economic blocs.’

Turkey in Flux: Burning Qurans, NATO Expansion, War in Ukraine and Devastating Earthquakes

Dr. Can Erimtan | Turkey finds itself at the centre of multiple storms, all at once – each with huge geopolitical ramifications.

Leading Economist: ‘More War Means More Inflation’

21WIRE | As long as Ukraine is the West’s top priority, stagflation will persist – the only question is how bad it will be.

Look Up, Wake Up People: ‘You Are Being Suicided in Warp Speed’

Peter Koenig | We are now on the cusp, and our vocabulary lacks the strength to appropriately describe the monstrous ongoing tyranny.

Tesla Owner Stranded at Charging Station on Christmas Eve After Cold Weather Paralyzes Battery

21WIRE | Not only are Tesla’s electric cars not as ‘green’ as people think, they often do not work when you need them to.

As Greta, Gore Go Into Hibernation, North America Braces for Another Record Cold Winter

21WIRE | More bad news for the climate alarmism industrial complex. 

US-led Proxy War Against Russia is Failing: White House Secretly Asks Ukraine to Pursue Peace Negotiations

21WIRE | For the American electorate, an acute condition known as “Ukraine fatigue” is beginning to set in.

Putin Warns of Kiev Dirty Bomb False Flag, Calls Out NATO’s ‘Dangerous and Dirty Game’

21WIRE + Reuters | Putin calls out the West: ‘Their game is dangerous, bloody, and I would say dirty.”

Will the War in Ukraine Bring Peace to Yemen?

Fra Hughes | As Washington gets more desperate at home and in Ukraine, relations between Saudi Arabia and Yemen may yet improve.

The Big Payoff: Ukraine Demands the West Pay $750 Billion ‘Postwar Recovery Plan’

21WIRE | This entirely choreographed exercise looking increasingly strange.

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