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Will Israel and Turkey Go to War?

21WIRE | After he helped collapse Syria, the West and Tel Aviv may not have much use for the Erdogan regime any longer.

Erdogan Flexes in Balkans: Turkey Deploys 350 Troops to Kosovo

21WIRE | Following al-Qaeda’s victory in Syria, Erdogan is hoping to rekindle some of its former Ottoman glory further afield.

INTERVIEW: ‘Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran Unite to Refuse a Kurdish State in Syria’

Steven Sahiounie | Despite US attempts to divide them, both countries still share the same interest in securing their border and the elimination of terrorist and separatist groups.

Henningsen: Gaza Updates: US evangelists, Erdogan Speech & Aid Deliveries

TNT Radio | This week’s updates on the situation in Gaza, as Israel steps up its attacks on the Palestinian civilian population.

The New Turkey’s Destiny – #Shariah4Turkey via the Classroom

Dr Can Erimtan | Erdogan and his party’s de-secularization project is nearly complete – a transition that will likely change the face of the former Kemalist Turkey forever.

INTERVIEW: Dr Can Erimtan – Election: Erdogan’s ‘New Turkey’ Islamic Transition

TNT Radio | Turkish President Erdogan is holding on to power – effectively shoring-up his ‘New Turkey’ Islamic State project.

Turkey’s Election Re-Run: Back to the Future Redux

Dr. Can Erimtan | A landmark election which sets ‘New Turkey’ firmly on its post-Kemalist path to an Islamic state.

Turkey in Flux: Burning Qurans, NATO Expansion, War in Ukraine and Devastating Earthquakes

Dr. Can Erimtan | Turkey finds itself at the centre of multiple storms, all at once – each with huge geopolitical ramifications.

#Shariah4Turkey: Turkey’s 2023 Election – Do or Die?

Dr. Can Erimtan | Will Erdogan’s ‘New Turkey’ succeed in reviving the Ottoman legacy?

Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t Expect Turkish Support for NATO Bid After Stockholm Protest’

Gulf News | Sweden needs Turkey to gain entry to the military alliance, but they may have blown it this week.

Another Beyoğlu Blast: Getting Ready for Turkey’s 2023 Election Season

Dr. Can Erimtan | Once again, it’s about convincing the Turkish electorate to vote for stability over insecurity.

Erdoğan, Atatürk and Abdülhamid: Turkey’s Past, Present and Future

Dr Can Erimtan | Behold: the final steps in the transformation of Turkey into an Islamic nation state.

Turkey Drops Its Objection to Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership

21WIRE | What did the western powers do to twist Turkey’s arm to reverse its position?

As Turkey Struggles, The Sultan is Up to His Old Tricks

Arnaud Devaley | An unstable Turkey is a dangerous Turkey. Ditto for its stumbling leader.

Erdogan Angers Biden Over NATO Drive to Absorb Sweden and Finland

Steven Sahiounie | It’s becoming clear that the West are hesitant to let go of their Kurdish ‘freedom fighters’.

Erdogan’s Dervish: Turkey Pivots Again, Ready to Face-off With Russia in Syria

Steven Sahiounie | What we all expected, but hoped wouldn’t happen: Turkey seems to be shifting position once again.

Pulling Out of the Istanbul Convention: Women’s Rights and Homosexuality in the New Turkey

Dr. Can Erimtan | This latest move looks to undermine the legacy of Atatürk and the promotion of women’s rights – as a prelude to a full-blown Islamic state.

New Turkey’s Agenda 2023: The End of the Republic and the Return of Sharia Law

Dr. Can Erimtan | As the country continues its radical transformation from secular state to a religious one, Erdogan uses symbolic, fundamental themes to sculpt the New Turkey identity.

Nagorno-Karabakh: The Aftermath of the Attack on Artsakh

Dr Can Erimtan | Turkey continues it’s NeoOttoman revival, subsuming its new satellite client Azerbaijan into it’s territorial orbit.

Fighting Over a Soviet Legacy: Nagorno-Karabakh

Dr Can Erimtan | The ‘frozen’ conflict which finally thawed, and with a bitter ending for the Armenians. Once again, money talks.

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