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Search Results for: Cold war


(it could land you in prison)    Come Jan 1st, those innocent “climate quips” could just land you in a cold cell. The video comedy sketch above is actually hitting very close to home. Our latest and somewhat controversial article on global warming  has prompted some readers and Facebook members to say that “They (21st […]

Queen’s MI5 Detains Russian Honey Trap Spy in Response to England’s 2018 World Cup Humiliation

21WIRE | Old Cold War sparks are flying again between Britain and Russia over the World Cup bid.

The IMF and its Corporate Partners Begin Feeding on UK Natural Resources

Editors Note: As the green movement continues chasing phantom events like global warming and climate change, real environmental abuses continue to go virtually unchallenged. Case in point: a cash-strapped British Government is preparing to sell off over half of its forest land to a cartel of private corporations  and banks in league with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It’s an ironic reverse-Robin Hood play, […]


By Patrick Henningsen Sept 22, 2010 21st Centurywire With the current protracted recession still in play and a government budget deficit to reconcile, Her Majesty’s Government may be looking to trim some fat by giving its bloated £3.2 billion Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) the royal chop. Such budget austerity measures for UK […]

Afghans Claim: US, Pakistan Created and Funds Taliban

Kurt Nimmo | Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted the Taliban was created by the United States.

LEARNING TO LOVE COLLATERAL DAMAGE: Another Day, Another Massacre in Afghanistan

Patrick Henningsen | A chain of events which took place in Khataba followed by the cover-up by the Pentagon bring shame to Amerika.

Lethal Moron: Danny Glover Blames Haiti Earthquake on ‘Climate Change’

By Patrick Henningsen As Haiti realizes its damage and death toll from this week’s catastrophic earthquake, Hollywood’s well-intentioned globalist cheerleaders are lining up to seize on the political opportunity, this time laying blame for the natural disaster on a likely culprit… global warming and climate change. During his recent interview on GritTV, Hollywood actor and […]

Tony Blair Arrives in Time for Snow Storm in Copenhagen

Patrick Henningsen | Judging by historical record, it seems that Climate Change and the Iraq War have much in common after all.

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