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A New, Not-So-Cold War – Being Run Through Proxies

21st Century Wire says…

As the sun set on the old Cold War, a new and somewhat warmer version has risen in its place.

If Syria has taught us anything so far, it’s that the grand chessboard is still very much in play between old Cold War foes, the Anglo-American Empire and Russia. Both giants are vying to preserve, and in the case of the Anglo-Americans – expand their sphere of economic and cultural influence, and position themselves for a future confrontation with Iran. The Anglo-Americans have employed various proxies to conduct the dirtier aspects of their neocolonial business, using money, influence and intimidation to achieve full compliance.

The stakes are high – finite resources and natural energy reserves. Whoever controls them controls the coming world order.

But unfortunately for taxpayers in the US and Europe, and the people living in the Middle East – this great game is played at their expense. As the powers plod along with their 20th century power-politics in public view,  the deciding factor in how events will play out is concealed within Israel’s own private agenda and ambitions, making it all the more complex.

The wrecking of the Middle East is all part of a coming One World Order agenda coming to fruition, where national identities, borders, currencies, and cultures must be crush to make way for a homogeneous brave new world envisioned by globalist social engineers.

We are at the beginning of this process, a plan which elite designer seek to implement over the next 50 years. 

And the wars continue…


Game of Nations

Daily Star

Across the region, something has changed in the air over the last month, it would appear. And of these developments,  from Turkey to Iran, via Egypt, Lebanon and Qatar, it would be hard to argue that the world’s powers have not had some involvement.

In Iran, we have witnessed the election of a moderate president, and while Hassan Rouhani will not be able to change foreign policy in any substantial way, his attitude differs from his predecessor, and he seems more open to increased dialogue with the Gulf and the West. In Qatar the emir gave up rule to his son, an unprecedented step that is very unlikely to have happened without tacit U.S. approval. Here in Lebanon there was the confrontation between firebrand Salafi Sheikh Ahmad Assir and the army, which ended in Assir’s defeat and scores of deaths. And in Egypt and Turkey we have seen growing protests against Islamist governments.

IMAGE: The latest Iranian political figurehead Hassan Rouhani.

On Syria, too, while it had seemed the U.S. and Russia had reached an impasse, each said Tuesday they were committed to holding peace talks soon. But opposition allies have gone strangely silent on the issue of arming the rebels, a hot topic just a few weeks ago, when the EU dropped it arms embargo, and the U.S. appeared to commit to supplying military support. At the same time, the U.S. and friends have dropped recent sharp criticism of the Assad regime itself, instead focusing primarily on Hezbollah’s involvement on the ground.

It would be naïve to cast an eye over all these events and not draw some sort of common thread linking them – it would have to be some great coincidence, certainly, that all these developments crossed over as they have.

Similarly, it would be shortsighted not to see involvement from the U.S., the EU, Russia or Iran in each scenario. For in each development, one of these powers has some vested interest. And often, though appearing in some cases enemies, their interests intersect. Apparently the region has fallen into a giant Game of Nations, with borders, protest movements and political parties being moved around like chess pieces, to serve interests larger than the concerns of those directly involved.

On Syria itself, it seems likely the peace conference will happen only once the domestic players are exhausted, leaving the powers – none of which have lost a single soldier on the ground – to pick up the pieces.

The great powers are playing a dirty game, gambling with the futures, destinies and resources of the region’s countries, for any outside meddling is not done without ulterior motives. But these states have, sadly, fallen into the trap, often willingly sacrificing their own freedoms.

It is too early to predict what the Middle East will look like once the dust settles after this latest storm. But there seem to be only two possible outcomes to developments over the past month: paving the way for a major regional settlement, or laying down the foundations for years of chaos, death and destruction.

Read more at Daily Star 

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