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Search Results for: Cold war

Washington Has Conducted at Least 23 Secret Proxy Wars Since 2017

21WIRE | A secretive authority called ‘127e’ to launch at least two dozen proxy wars since 2017.

Kupchan: ‘Putin’s War in Ukraine Is a Watershed – Time for America to Get Real’

21WIRE + NYT | US foreign policy can’t come to grips with the choice between idealism and realism.

The Economics of a ‘World at War’

Alastair Crooke | So what motivated Europe’s zeal to join in this ‘war’?

British MSM: ‘Help Beat Putin By Taking Cold Showers’

21WIRE | As the West continues to suffer from debilitating inflation, the need for a scapegoat will only grow.

OpEd: The War on Donbass: Why We Must All Stand Against Fascism

Fra Hughes | Let’s look at the facts shall we?

NATO’s Failed Talks Over Ukraine Will Likely Lead Russia Towards Persian Gulf

Alex Krainer | The days of unchallenged U.S./NATO dominance are over, and here’s what comes next.

‘We are Human Guinea Pigs’ – Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action

F. William Engdahl | Little wonder some critics believe it is a disguised vehicle for human eugenics.

FIGHT CLUB (1999) – Marxist Mobs, Culture Wars & Shades Of 9/11

John the Revelator | Fight Club captured the radical zeitgeist of American culture with prescient imagery echoing 9/11.

AUKUS: One Step Closer Toward War with China

Brian Berletic | There is no doubt that the latest move, led by the US and Britain, is a signal to China that elevated tensions will be the new normal.

Little Ice Age Watch: US, Europe, Russia Suffering Coldest Winter in Decades

21WIRE | How long until mainstream media and politics admit that apocalyptic predictions of man-made global warming may have been completely over-blown?

Achtung Baby! (It’s Cold Outside) – Germany’s ‘Green’ Energy Fail Rescued by Coal and Gas

21WIRE | Seems that solar and wind aren’t up to the task this winter.

Was Russia Barred from Olympics for Thwarting US Geopolitical Ambitions?

21WIRE + Strategic Culture | It’s important to view this through the lens of what has unfolded since 2014, particularly in regards to the Ukraine and Syria.

EXCLUSIVE: Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism

Andre Vltchek | The country is at a standstill, preparing for the inevitable confrontation which may lie ahead.

Blair’s War on Corbyn: Warns ‘Antisemitism’ Smear Campaign Will Intensify Before Election

21WIRE | As with Iraq, this latest campaign of deception will not end well either.

SYRIA: Turkey Implicated in War Crimes, Systematically Targeting Medical Personnel, Aid Workers

Khaled Iskef | New reports suggest that Turkish forces are targeting medical personnel and aid works in northeastern Syria.

Official Secrets: Priti Patel’s Early War on Whistleblowers

Nina Cross | Is the Darroch leak being used as a platform to make a more authoritarian OSA seem more acceptable? Is this Patel’s opening salvo to future whistleblowers?

From 9/11 to Shoplifting: Assange in the Context of the European Arrest Warrant

Nina Cross | From day one, the EAW was open to abuse, and was used as the primary mechanism for trapping Assange.

UK COLUMN: New Tory Game Show, Target Iran, WikiLeaks, Cyber War on Russia and more

UK Column News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the early week news round-up.

Tulsi’s ‘No More Regime Change Wars’ is Message That Corporate Media Doesn’t Want You to Hear

Philip Giraldi | Gabbard may be the only genuine antiwar candidate – who is electable – in the past fifty years.

The Syrian horses of war, stolen, abused and traumatised – only a lucky few came home

Vanessa Beeley | Always expect the unexpected in Syria.

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