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INTERVIEW: Mats Nilsson – ‘Finland and Sweden Caught in NATO Trap’

TNT Radio | Formerly neutral Finland duped into joining NATO, meanwhile Sweden waits for membership, but nonetheless exposed to a potential confrontation with Russia.

The Grave Diplomatic Mistake Ukraine Will Eventually Regret

Fyodor Lukyanov | How Zelensky sold his country’s future down the river for some vague ‘western’ ideal.

Turkey in Flux: Burning Qurans, NATO Expansion, War in Ukraine and Devastating Earthquakes

Dr. Can Erimtan | Turkey finds itself at the centre of multiple storms, all at once – each with huge geopolitical ramifications.

Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t Expect Turkish Support for NATO Bid After Stockholm Protest’

Gulf News | Sweden needs Turkey to gain entry to the military alliance, but they may have blown it this week.

Turkey Drops Its Objection to Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership

21WIRE | What did the western powers do to twist Turkey’s arm to reverse its position?

Erdogan Angers Biden Over NATO Drive to Absorb Sweden and Finland

Steven Sahiounie | It’s becoming clear that the West are hesitant to let go of their Kurdish ‘freedom fighters’.

Sweden and Finland on the Rocks: Turkey Reveals Its List of Demands to NATO

21WIRE | NATO nations will have to work hard to twist Turkey’s arm on this one.

UKC News: Ukraine is Losing War, UK Mercenary Faces Trial in Donbass

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen, with Alex Thomson and Vanessa Beeley for the end of week news round-up.

Denmark is First EU Country to Scrap All COVID Restrictions

21WIRE | Some EU countries are leading the way in putting the entire ‘pandemic’ nightmare behind them.

Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘This is the Moment the Jabbing Has to Stop’

Dr Vernon Coleman | Why aren’t governments taking this issue seriously?

Orwellian Own-Goal: Finland’s ‘Fake News’ Training Children to Believe Only Mainstream Propaganda

21WIRE + South Front | The irony of Finland’s Orwellian own-goal here is lost on mainstream media commentators who seized on the story because it appeared to validate their confirmation bias.

Revisiting the Copyright Debate: ‘Steal This Film’ – Part 1 & 2

21st Century Wire | This excellent documentary series goes through in fine detail the battle which is still being fought along intellectual property lines.

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