Reclaim the Net | Transhumanist tech firm plans is ‘transform healthcare on a global scale.’
Vaccine Passport Developer Says Microchipping Humans is Happening ‘Whether You Like It or Not’
INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller’s Big Pharma & GMO Agenda
Patrick Henningsen | The global Big Pharma and GMO industrial complex has its roots in eugenics – funded by the Rockefeller dynasty.
Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom for the Illusion of Security?
Dr Joseph Mercola | Thoughts and strategies on how to break mass formation and prevent totalitarianism.
India’s Negative Birth Rate: Globalist ‘Overpopulation’ Myth Falters Again
21WIRE | Malthusian predictions of over-population have been repeatedly over-exaggerated, as evidenced by this latest news out of Asia.
Technocracy Referendum: ‘Switzerland Will Vote on November 28th Whether to Remain a Democracy’
21WIRE + CHD | A ‘NO’ vote on the 28th would send a strong signal to the globalist elites that their New World Order will not subdue democracy in Europe’s mountainous nation.
Exposing the Vaccine Passport Technocracy
The HighWire with Del Bigtree | It may be the most dangerous development to befall a free humanity in modern history.
Australian Professor Fired for Criticising Climate Consensus, Loses Appeal to High Court
21WIRE | Another serious blow to academic freedom, as legal clerics intervene to police speech and opinion.
Sacré: ‘The Lord of Vaccines and the New Health Terrorism’
Dr. Pascal Sacré | Beyond Huxley: a dark new religion, with millions now celebrating about having taken the experimental injection.
Opinion: ‘The Elites’ Great Reset and Depopulation Agenda’
Joachim Hagopian | We’re in the middle of a major biological catastrophe, and no one is talking about it.
London’s Smart City: A Blueprint for Technocracy
21WIRE | Behind the green mask are globalist oligarchs who seek to use these altruistic and progressive sounding initiatives to establishment a new century of dominance.