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Jeffrey Tucker: ‘The Valorization of the Tyrants’

Jeffrey Tucker | The Establishment war on free speech under the guise of ‘stopping misinformation online.’

Jacinda Ardern to Become New Zealand’s De Facto Censorship Tsar

21WIRE | Problem, reaction, solution. 

INTERVIEW: T.J. Coles – False Flags and Banning of New Dawn in New Zealand

21st Century Wire | The firestorm surrounding his recent article about the 2019 Christchurch Shooting.

UKC News: Kiwis Relieved With Ardern’s Departure, The Madness of Davos

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern Resigns, ‘Defeated by Her Own Vanity’

21WIRE | ‘The hero-worship which she enjoyed around the world made things worse by adding to her hubris.’

Media, ‘Disinformation Experts’ Caught Spreading Lie to Ban Magazine in New Zealand

Patrick Henningsen | Don’t look now, but the cancelation machine is targeting print publications too.

Like PCR, Rapid Antigen Tests Are Making ‘Viruses’ Real Again

Dr. Mark Bailey | In the so-called New Normal epoch, the key to keeping a pandemic program going has always been through nondiagnostic mass-testing.

Jacinda Ardern Orders Vicious Attack on Peaceful Demonstrators in Wellington

Coronavirus Plushie | New Zealand’s Ardern regime refused to speak with the people – choosing violence over discourse. 

INTERVIEW: Chris Lonsdale on Public Fallout from the ‘Global Pandemic’

TNT Radio | Government officials, judiciaries, and pharmaceutical companies – are now scrambling to evade the inevitable fallout from the international reaction to Covid-19 and the unprecedented vaccine mandate policies.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Truth Will Be Told’ (2022)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The message from New Zealand’s freedom fighters could not be any clearer.

New Zealand Man Gets 10 Vaccines for COVID-19

21WIRE | Creative plot to evade the country’s authoritarian vaccine passport regime.

Pfizer Finally Admits ‘Large Increase’ in COVID Jab Side Effects

21WIRE | How many other countries are engaged in this same kind of administrative fraud? 


Mishaela Dakin | Will you sit and stay silent, or will you rise?

UKC News: New Covid Pill, NZ Blowback, SOS Australia

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

New Zealand: A One Horse Race in the Zero COVID Sweepstakes

Patrick Henningsen | We can all agree that there’s something seriously wrong in New Zealand, and it’s not virus.

Glorified Prison: 22 Days Inside a New Zealand Quarantine Facility

Dr Sam Bailey | One person’s experience trying to survive in the country’s new COVID quarantine system.

Cartel of Censorship: Vaccine Misinformation Mythology

Dr. Sam Bailey | While New Zealand medical authorities and mainstream media push their vaccine propaganda, they continue to cry “misinformation” when any serious concerns are raised about the new experimental jab.

The Australian Soviet: PM Morrison Closes Borders, Imposes New Authoritarian Measures

21WIRE | For millions of Australians, international travel has become a thing of the past.

New Zealand Censoring Internet Users, Threatening Jail for Sharing Video of Mosque Attack

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | This story will continue to take bizarre twists and turns.

Episode #272 – ‘Terror Down Under’ with guest Jay Dyer and more

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue