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The debate over the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical vaccine products continues. The conversation has become even more intense following the unusually rapid roll-out of the controversial mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in late 2020. This archive contains a number of reports and scientific studies regarding numerous key issues surrounding vaccines.
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INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton -Julian Assange + France Moves to Shutdown Free Speech

TNT Radio | The globalists agenda threatens freedom of press and free speech.

NYC Elmhurst 2020: Inside Covid’s Epicenter in America

HFDF | Looking back, the real data does not support the existence a ‘deadly viral pandemic’ in NYC in 2020.

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer & Basil Valentine – ‘Viruses & Unicorns’

TNT Radio | The forbidden conversation: germ theory vs. terrain theory.

INTERVIEW: Jacqui Deevoy – Midazolam and Euthanasia, Disguised as ‘Covid Protocols’

TNT Radio | Euthanasia in British hospitals, hospices and care facilities – all under the disguise of ‘Covid Protocols.’

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – The ‘One Health’ Path to Global Tyranny (3 Part Series)

TNT Radio | Breaking down the One Health approach: from origins, to inception and adoption.

INTERVIEW: Jason Liosatos – ‘Davos is Engineering Modern Day Slavery’

TNT Radio | The Davos Technocracy and their unethical vaccine agenda.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – Warp Speed Legalizing Vaccine Bio Warfare

TNT Radio | The hidden structure behind the development and deployment of security covered counter measures.

Media, ‘Disinformation Experts’ Caught Spreading Lie to Ban Magazine in New Zealand

Patrick Henningsen | Don’t look now, but the cancelation machine is targeting print publications too.

Stefan Lanka on the Virology Fraud: ‘Virus, It’s Time To Go’

Dr. Sam Bailey | It turns out that ‘The Science’ was wrong all along.

RIP Luc Montagnier: “I’m outraged by the fact, that we want to vaccinate children…”

21WIRE | Luc was still a free thinker in the end.

FDNY Union Boss Warns New Yorkers of ‘Slowed Response Times’ as de Blasio’s Vax Mandate Kicks In

21WIRE | Thousands of city workers will go without pay and resist the city’s vaccine mandate beginning today.

CDC Says ‘Immunocompromised’ Americans Can Now Get ‘4th Shot’

21WIRE | Latest update from CDC signals a broader and sustained campaign of endless COVID ‘boosters’ in perpetuity likely on the way.

San Francisco’s Health Department Closes In-N-Out Burger, Chief Legal Counsel for Burger Chain Defiant: “We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government”

21WIRE+ The HighWire | City regulators insisted that restaurant employees actively ‘demand’ that all customers show their vaccination papers before entry.

Los Angeles School Board Likely to Approve COVID Vaccine Mandate for Students

21WIRE | Students who don’t comply with the mandate could spend another lost year of school on Zoom. Or worse, either be ‘chronically absent’ or just drop out altogether.

Ron Paul: Authoritarianism Pandemic is the Real Threat

Ron Paul | The argument that government can use force to prevent hypothetical harms – renders restraint on government power meaningless.

New Warning of Potential ‘Terror Attacks’ Designed to Demonize Opposition to COVID Vaccines

21WIRE + Corbett Report | How opposition to COVID vaccines could be recast as potential terrorism.

Chicago Public Schools Turn to Uber, Lyft as Bus Drivers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate

21WIRE + Outkick | ‘Grab your masks kids, download this app, have a good day at school…’

‘Vaccine Passports’ and the Coming Merge with Digital ID Systems

Sikh for Truth | COVID19 has now provided the perfect cover to implement these technologies at larger scale.

Italian Restaurant Defies California’s Covidian Rule, Welcomes ‘Unvaccinated’ Diners – “Leave the mask, take the cannoli”

21WIRE | Basilico’s is once again putting diners and public health officials on notice.

How Governments Are Ignoring Natural COVID Immunity

21WIRE + Medpage Today | Governments and Big Pharma hate the antigen test because it puts more power back into the hands of the individual, and not to the oppressive government ‘public health’ machine and its pharmaceutical industrial complex.

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