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‘Insurrection, Sedition?’ – The Media and January 6th

CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle talks with Patrick Henningsen, Dave Lindorff, and Steve Gruber.

Trump Acquitted in Second Failed Impeachment Attempt

21WIRE | A vindicated Trump stated that his movement ‘has only just begun.’

Democrats Admit Using National Guard to Compel Trump to Concede Election

21WIRE | The latest from this week’s round of ‘struggle sessions’ in Washington.

The Federal Government is at War With Its Own People

21WIRE | Can America sustain the current partisan witch hunt being waged by the new Democrat majority?

EP #4 – 21WIRE LIVE: ‘Post-Trump Fallout’ guest Daniel McAdams

21WIRE LIVE | The current political upheaval in America is threatening to tear the political fabric of the country. Where will it end?

Democrats, Corporates Using Capitol Riots to Implement Communist-Style Social Credit System in U.S.

The Federalist | Political and corporate entities are making Trump into an example of their power to frighten the half of America who supported him in November.

From Arab Spring to American Winter: 2011-2021

Dr. Can Erimtan | Has the fallout from Capital Protests really killed Trumpism, and will Biden’s inauguration see the beginnings of a new civil war in America?

House Votes to Impeach President Trump for Second Time

21WIRE | The impeachment article may be withheld until after Jan 20th – which means the Senate trial could potentially be held after Trump has already left office.

Biden, DC Protest and the Post-Corona ‘Great Reset’

Prof Michel Chossudovsky | Washington’s Neoliberal syndicate are using COVID lockdown as an instrument of social oppression – enthusiastically endorsed by the Democratic Party. 

History Lesson: When Protestors Took Over Federal Buildings

Jon Rappoport | After the media hysteria subsides, our individual liberty and freedom will remain as paramount as at any time in history.

Fashionably Orwellian: ‘What the Left Really Thinks About Freedom of Speech’

JP Sears | Two left-wing Americans, sharing what they really think about freedom of speech.

Germany’s Merkel Speaks Out Against Twitter Deplatforming President Trump

The Independent | German government states that freedom of speech and opinion is a fundamental right of ‘elementary significance.’

Timeline Debunks Democrat, Media Claims of Trump ‘Incitement’

National Pulse | Capitol Police Chief has testified that Pelosi and McConnell’s Sergeants-at-Arms refused additional security measures for Capitol.

Problem, Reaction, Solution: Biden’s New ‘War on Domestic Terror’

Off-Guardian | Here’s why Biden went to great lengths to rebrand protesters into ‘domestic terrorists.’

UKC News: DC Protests Rock America, UK’s Faux ‘NHS Crisis’, Vaccine Debacle

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

BOILER ROOM: Discussing DC Protests and Political Chaos in America

ACR Radio | Deep dive discussion on dramatic events in Washington DC this week, and why US politics has turned so chaotic.

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