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What Obama and Kerry Won’t Tell You About Iranian Sanctions and Oil Profits

Andrew McKillop | If you want to know what’s it’s really all about, sit down and get out your solar-powered calculator.

Poor Saudis: Iran Nuclear Peace Deal Hurts Cartel’s Plans for Over-priced Oil

Andrew McKillop | Hardly reassurring to know that the French are busy behind the scenes doing all they can to screw up an already perverted game of diplomatic twister.

The Horn of Africa: Neo Colonialism, Oil Wars and Terror Games

Shawn Helton | The spoils of Africa are being divided up again.

Bandar Throws Toys Out of Pram: Announces Saudi May End Diplomatic Relations with US

21WIRE + Reuters | Whatever Saudi does, you can be sure it’s for a pot of money at the end of the sand storm.

Agent Provocateur Ultimo: Prince Bandar and the Price of Oil

Andrew McKillop | What’s the easiest way to manipulate the price of oil? Ask Bandar…

Another Crash? Oil Teeters On The Brink – of $100 per Barrel

Andrew McKillop | This is a deflation crisis, likely or certainly followed by hyperinflation…

Sustainable Theft: Spanish Gov’t Trying to Tax Solar Energy

21WIRE + RT | Maybe it’s time the people impose a super tax our political oligarchs for the hot air coming out of their mouths.

Saudi Prince Bandar’s second attempt at bribing Russia to drop support of Syria

Patrick Henningsen | It appears that Washington and Saudi Arabia’s dirty war in Syria, just got dirtier.

Trans Pacific Partnership & RIMPAC: Is The Pivot To Asia About Corporate Control?

Shawn Helton | The world has become a prison of asymmetrical war, resource grabbing and corporate controllers.

Afghans ready to exploit country’s massive mineral wealth

Stratrisks | Afghanistan plans to put four or five oil and gas extraction and minerals mining projects out to tender for development this year, as the strife-ridden country reaches out to investors to help develop its vast resources.

‘The Mother of All Conspiracies’?

21WIRE | Have you heard of “The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust” yet? If not, you’re about to right now.

First Nuke In Currency Wars: Venezuela Launches Devalues Currency By 46%

BIN | Here comes Venezuela and shows the banana republics of the developed world what lobbing a nuclear bomb into a currency war knife fight looks like.


Andrew McKillop | Question: why are oil prices so high?

25 People killed, scores injured as blast rocks Mexican state oil company’s HQ

RT News | Bizarre incident in Mexico has wider implications.


Andrew McKillop | By 2014, the US will be rivaling Saudi and Russian oil output, or even exceeding their output, as Asian demands for energy increase.

US Attempt to Apply New Sanction Rules To Collectively Punish Iranians

Washington Post | Moves are already afoot to keep the Iranian economy down for the foreseeable future.

An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore Sells Out to Big Oil

The television network Current TV was recently purchased by the international news outlet Al Jazeera. The transaction will leave $125 million in former vice-president Al Gore’s pocket. Gore, who is a green living advocate, ironically sold the company to a news outlet owned by Qatar – an oil rich country.

BP settles criminal charges for $4 billion in spill; supervisors indicted on manslaughter

Washington Post Stephen Mufson BP has agreed to plead guilty to 14 criminal counts, including manslaughter, and will pay $4 billion over five years in a settlement with the Justice Department over the April 20, 2010, drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 people and unleashed the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. […]


21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen explains why the current war plan being decided in Washington and Whitehall is half-baked and not in the public interest at all, and why it will cause many meaningless deaths, and also trigger a global economic depression:

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change

Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue