Finaius | What secrets are hidden beneath the desert sands?
Roy Casagranda: 100-year history of US meddling, coups and wars in the Middle East
21WIRE + UNAPOLOGETIC | Professor Roy Casagranda takes us on a journey through the last 100 years of Middle Eastern history.
Bidenomics: Gas Prices Have Never Been Higher This Time of Year
21WIRE | Who in their right mind would vote for another 4 years of economic Armageddon?
Saudis Confirm Non-Dollar Oil Trade Plans at Davos
Zero Hedge | Is it really dusk for the petrodollar, and dawn for the petroyuan?
Democrats to Sanction Saudis for Not Playing Ball on Biden’s Midterm OPEC Election Stunt
21WIRE | Democrats are now doubling down on Biden’s desperate electioneering stunt.
Ten Years Ago Today: The Slaughter of Libya and Assassination of Gaddafi
Brasscheck TV | Looking back at the devastation which followed, and who is responsible.
TRENDSTORM: In the Gulf and in Syria, Who Will Blink First?
Trendstorm | Something will probably give sooner than later, but the question is, who blinks first?
Soft Power Masterstroke: Russia Sends Food Relief to Qatar
Andrew Korybko | Russia brandishing its Muslim-friendly chops by sending relief to Qatar during Ramadan.
James Comey’s Legacy: Blaming Russia Rather Than Saudi Arabia And Israel
Adam Garrie + The Duran | Until his ‘release’, James Comey’s continued doubling down on the Russia narrative only served to ‘wag the dog’ with Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Four Reasons Why Saudi Arabia May Cease To Exist
21WIRE + The Duran | When the ‘black gold’ really slows down or eventually runs out, what will become of this controversial Wahabi state that funds terrorism.
Iran Takes Advantage of OPEC Oil Production Cut to Sell Millions of Barrels
Reuters | Iran is now starting to offload oil stock that was tied up in tankers during oversupply of 2016.
Has Russia Just Pulled Itself Out Of The Petrodollar?
21WIRE + Zero Hedge | This is rapidly shaping up as the most illiquid market in history.
Another Crash? Oil Teeters On The Brink – of $100 per Barrel
Andrew McKillop | This is a deflation crisis, likely or certainly followed by hyperinflation…
Andrew McKillop | Question: why are oil prices so high?