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How UAE is Able to Punch Above its Own Weight

Caspian Report | How this tiny country transformed itself from the Manhattan of the Middle East to the region’s “Little Sparta”. 

Western Media Narrative: ‘Poland Obstructs Nord Stream Investigation’

21WIRE | Take this latest western mainstream story with a pinch of salt.

INTERVIEW: Dr Can Erimtan – ‘Israel’s Gas-Grab in Gaza’

TNT Radio | A major energy and natural gas play by Israel off the coast of Gaza, and a potential partner in Turkey.

Hamas, Gaza, Genocide and Gas – The Beginning of a Global Conflagration?

Dr Can Erimtan | Looking past the contentious religious themes, recent events have also provided Israel with a pretext to annex the land and energy they’ve long coveted.

Germany’s Deindustrialization: Key Industries Leaving for More Affordable Shores

21WIRE | The results of Europe’s bizarre collective economic suicide pact.

Russia Sanctions Blowback: EU Gas Soars to Year Record High and ‘Possibility of Tightening Supplies’

21WIRE | A fresh warning has been issued: ‘Traders are on edge about the possibility of tightening supplies.’

Germany Shuts Its Last Nuclear Power Plant – As Electricity Bills Rise 45%

21WIRE | Germany is now almost completely dependent on western energy vendors, namely the USA.

Putin: Despite Sanctions, Russia Still Outperforming Many G20 Nations

21WIRE | Putin believes that the stability of the Russian economy is due to combined efforts by government and business.

The EU’s Gas ‘Price Cap’ Threatens to Worsen the Energy Crisis

21WIRE | As a result of directionless thinking by western leaders, more damage is about to be done to European and UK energy consumers.

EU Wants Gas From Algeria, As Washington Plays Wicked Stepmother

Rachel Marsden | Unfortunately for Europe, Algiers has long maintained an officially nonaligned position, and isn’t too keen on throwing itself into the arms of the West.

City Experts: $2 Trillion Surge in Europe Energy Bills by 2023

21WIRE | Despite all this, G7 governments still have no actual solutions to systemic price gouging by energy marketeers and retail power firms.

Orban: EU ‘Shot Itself in the Lungs’ with Sanctions Against Russia

21WIRE | Some EU countries are now openly rebelling over the collective economic suicide pact they signed on to, at the behest of Washington.

EU Gives Its Energy Firms Green Light to Keep Russian Gas Flowing

21WIRE | After much wavering, it seems that the green light has now been issued. 

Report: ’10 EU Countries Quietly Buying Gas for Rubles’

21WIRE | Are the western media giving the public a false impression that there is solidarity across the EU on this issue?

‘No Rubles, No Energy’ – Russia Cuts Off Gas Supply to Poland and Bulgaria

21WIRE | The day has come when European countries finally realised that Russia was not bluffing.

A Good Friday in the New Turkey: ‘It’s a Gas-Gas-Gas’

Dr Can Erimtan | Is Turkey really going to action its domestic energy ambitions, or is it just another election ruse?

Bringing NATO’s Demonic ‘Democracy’ to Libya & Syria: Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer | The larger agenda behind NATO’s proxy wars in Libya and Syria and the Anglo-American imperial strategy to destabilize nations.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: US Company Building Gas Terminal in Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | It wouldn’t be the first time a huge conflict of interest has emerged in Ukraine.

Afghans ready to exploit country’s massive mineral wealth

Stratrisks | Afghanistan plans to put four or five oil and gas extraction and minerals mining projects out to tender for development this year, as the strife-ridden country reaches out to investors to help develop its vast resources.

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