21WIRE | After he helped collapse Syria, the West and Tel Aviv may not have much use for the Erdogan regime any longer.
South Caucasus Instability and New Battle for the ‘Middle Corridor’
Freddie Ponton | This key region is now prone to instability as US strengthens ties with Armenia and whilst sanctioning both Georgia and Azerbaijan.
Are Ukraine’s Reckless Drone Attacks Responsible for the Azerbaijan Airlines Tragedy?
Andrew Korybko | Pandora’s Box of speculation was already opened by the US and Ukraine – which now leaves Russia free to inject its own narrative into this shocking story.
#Shariah4Turkey: Turkey’s 2023 Election – Do or Die?
Dr. Can Erimtan | Will Erdogan’s ‘New Turkey’ succeed in reviving the Ottoman legacy?
Nagorno-Karabakh: The Aftermath of the Attack on Artsakh
Dr Can Erimtan | Turkey continues it’s NeoOttoman revival, subsuming its new satellite client Azerbaijan into it’s territorial orbit.
Fighting Over a Soviet Legacy: Nagorno-Karabakh
Dr Can Erimtan | The ‘frozen’ conflict which finally thawed, and with a bitter ending for the Armenians. Once again, money talks.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus & Ukraine – The Slow Motion Collapse of Soviet Union
Paul Robinson | There are multiple underlying reasons for the conflict and strife we are seeing – most of which is beyond the scope of mainstream coverage.
Ron Paul Liberty Report: US-Saudi Arms Trafficking to Terrorists in Syria
21WIRE + Liberty Report | Despite the evidence, the western mainstream media has simply ignored and steered away from this story.
AIR NATO: A Look Inside the West’s Secret Weapons Racket That’s Destroying Syria
Patrick Henningsen | Detailed report blows open NATO’s international weapons racket that’s destroying Syria.
UK COLUMN NEWS: NATO Weapons Trafficking Hub, UK’s New AUMF, Grenfell Tower Updates
UK Column News | UK Column News co-anchor Mike Robinson joined by 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen and David Scott with today’s news round-up.
Another Hidden War: Azerbaijan & Armenia
21WIRE + UK Column | Some key points regarding the geopolitical tremors in Nagorno-Karabakh.
ANALYSIS: Armenia and Azerbaijan – The History Behind the Recent Tensions
21WIRE + Andrew Korybko | The real reasons behind the recent Azerbaijan and Armenia tensions explained by geopolitical analyst, Andrew Korybko.
US Desperate to Steer Greece Away From Russian-Turkish Pipeline Project
Patrick Henningsen | The US and Russia are currently locked in a battle for regional energy dominance in Europe.
BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change
Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.