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Saved from Drowning: From a Virtual Existence to a Real Life

Julian Rose | Understanding the tragic dehumanising trajectory of ‘deep state’ induced life style choices.

The Robber Barons: From Rhode Island to ‘The Global Estate’

Niall McCrae | Are those same barons of old still robbing us today?

The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset

F. William Engdahl | Rather than ‘save’ humanity, this dark dystopian agenda is meant to do just the opposite.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton on EU Energy Crisis and France’s ‘Green’ Deception

TNT Radio | The blueprint for ‘disintegrating’ the global economy in preparation for a digital currency and globalist technocracy – all courtesy of the Trilateral Commission.

When Green Turns Brown – And Nobody Notices

Peter Koenig  | The green technocracy has become an extremely dangerous affront to society and indeed, to mankind itself.

The Trilateral Commission: Helping Driving America’s Bankers Coup d’Etat

Matthew Ehret | Few are aware that it was under Jimmy Carter that the deep state, working on behalf of transnational corporations, took control of US foreign policy.

TROJAN HORSE: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Has Already Bought Off Washington

Shawn Helton | The vote against the TPP is pure political theater, as there is no real opposition from Washington.

TPP: Hollywood, Big Pharma and Global Think-Tanks ‘Merge’ in Trade Takeover

Shawn Helton | Global policy makers have usurped the sovereign rights of U.S. citizens by undermining its Constitution and are using big business to achieve its goals.

The Coming Apocalypse: Brzezinski in His Own Words

Common Sense Show | Brzezinski blames accessibility to radio, television and the Internet for the “universal awakening of mass political consciousness.

Trans Pacific Partnership & RIMPAC: Is The Pivot To Asia About Corporate Control?

Shawn Helton | The world has become a prison of asymmetrical war, resource grabbing and corporate controllers.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue