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Emanuel’s Shame: Chicago’s Secret Prison is ‘Constitution-Free Zone’

21WIRE + The Guardian | Chicago’s answer to Abu Graib, where police employ ‘Gestapo tactics’, holding detainees in secrecy.

Holder Stands Down on George Zimmerman, DOJ Won’t File ‘Race’ Charges

21WIRE + Huff Post | A three year ‘race-hunt’ by the DOJ finally comes to an end.

Knocked Back: Judge Halts Obama ‘Executive Action’ on Immigration

21WIRE + Huff Post | Latest injunction prevents the White House from implementing anything until the court rules on its constitutionality.

Did Loretta Lynch Help HSBC Escape Justice in ‘Drugs and Terror’ Money-Laundering Case?

21WIRE + Black Agenda Report | No one from HSBC actually went to prison or faced any criminal charges for the massive laundering scandal.

DOJ Appointee Loretta Lynch is Key in Washington’s Phony War on Terror

SPECIAL REPORT | Loretta Lynch has played a pivotal role in at least two bogus terror cases that produced fabricated results.

‘Money, or Mob?’ Al Sharpton and The Art of the Shakedown

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | Obama’s ‘advisor’ caught using threat of race mobs to pry money out of businesses and institutions.

Not Again: Black Residents Riot in St Louis After Black Man Pulls Gun on Cop – Then Gets Shot

21WIRE | Protesters calling for ‘amnesty’ for any black men involved in crime – even if they are armed.

Humanitarian Intervention: Obama’s Cuban Spy Sperm Courier Service

21WIRE | Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up.

Episode #64 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Military Media Complex’ with guests Tim Fox

SUNDAY WIRE | This Week: taking on Hollywood, our Dear Leader, and his social engineers.

‘The Interview’, A Sony False Flag Hack and Hollywood’s Empire of Mediocrity

Patrick Henningsen | At last, a cool international cause that Hollywood can finally rally around!

It’s Official: Israel Partners with Obama’s War on Syria

Stephen Lendman | Israel is working with the US, Saudis and ISIS, to destroy the nation of Syria.

HARDLY ZEN: Top 5 Obama War Crimes Since His Nobel Peace Prize

21WIRE + RT | Obama has taken anything but a Zen approach to foreign policy.

SHAMELESS: Denver ‘Ferguson Protesters’ Cheer as Police Officers Get Hit by Car

21WIRE | Unruly crowds cheer loudly and taunt injured officers, including one in critical condition.

Ferguson’s Violent Hangover and The Incredible Shrinking President

Patrick Henningsen | Welcome, to another addition of Thunderdome.

Hagel’s Ritual Resignation and ‘The War Ahead’

Patrick Henningsen | Did Hagel really resign, or was he fired? The writing was already on the wall…

Episode #60 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Beyond Thunderdome’ with Patrick Henningsen, guest Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | Covering the week’s top stories from the US, Europe… and beyond.

Episode #59 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Endangered Leader’ with host Basil Valentine, guests Vanessa Beeley, Patrick Henningsen

SUNDAY WIRE | Where are the great men and women, the visionaries, real statesmen and the philosopher kings?

Al Sharpton’s Secret ‘Bobblehead’ Diet Revealed

21WIRE | His diet left him looking so thin and undernourished, even Angelina Jolie got jealous.

CIRCUS CIRCUS: US Senate Flips to Elephants, Jackasses Yield in Midterms

Peter Sterry | 2014 Midterm Results: Both parties pretending to occupy the middle, yet still smoking the same brand of cigarettes.

Rare Moment of Levity – Chicago Man Warns Obama: ‘Don’t touch my girlfriend!’

21WIRE + RT | Obama finally loosened up this week, and it only took 6 years…

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