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‘Nulandistan’ in Ukraine: Cross Talk guest Patrick Henningsen explains how the West spins

Cross Talk on RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen in London joins Moscow’s live debate via satellite.

The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?

John W. Whitehead | Most Americans are still unaware of what happened and why, at the Bundy Ranch last week – and how it potentially affects everyone.

Kafka’s Amerika: A Society At War With Itself

Patrick Henningsen | Waking up to a world that is unrecognizable to the one you once knew.

Episode #28 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Virtues of Political Incorrectness’ with Patrick Henningsen and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE | All the latest news, Obama’s New World Order speech, plus a look back when America was actually more tolerant.

Obama’s Hegelian Deception: NSA ‘Overhaul’ Forces Telecoms to Collect More Data

21WIRE + RT | US telecoms giants would be compelled by court order to ensure that our phone data can transmitted to the government on demand.

KONY 2014: Obama Orders New Troop Surge to ‘Find Ugandan Warlord’

Patrick Henningsen | Remember KONY 2012? Well, it’s back. Obama’s White House is in foreign policy meltdown, so it’s time to dust off that old African chestnut.


Andrew McKillop | Argue all you want, but the big issue in the Ukraine is, and always will be… the nukes.

Michelle Obama and The Revenge of the ‘Knuckleheads’

21WIRE | There’s something not quite right about the First Lady’s remarks. Is there a pattern emerging here?

‘Conrad Constitution’: Obama Assassination Cartoon Satire Prompts Secret Service Visit Series Creator

21WIRE + GMN | Creator of the cult YouTube hit series was surprised to find the Secret Service on his doorstep this past weekend.

1000 Health Professionals in Open Letter to Obama Calling for Ban on Fracking

21WIRE | The Fracking industry shills are numerous, but some US health professionals are now pushing back.

Two Stooges: Boehner and Cantor laugh as they sell America down the debt river

21WIRE + Con Underground | After the latest $1 Trillion pork bill, even conservative voters are beginning sense the vipers in their own nest…

Did White House Pressure Studio to Cut ‘Satan Scene’ Because Devil Looked Like Obama?

21WIRE + Rundown Live | Has the political narcissism of the White House actually managed to get a Hollywood film cut?


Andrew McKillop | Hollande invites Obama to D-Day anniversary, but both leaders remain out-to-lunch as to where their place is in history.

‘Liberal Media’ Now Admit Obamacare is a Jobs Killer

James Hall | In the face of ignoring that productive employment is necessary for a healthy economy, Obama supporters cannot escape empirical reality.

Corporatocracy: Your Guide to ‘No Bid’ Government Contracts

James Hall | As El Duce once said: “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”.

LORD OF THE FLIES: Obama’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ SOTU Speech Upsets Many Black Americans

Shawn Helton | It seems the conch has been smashed in America, just as it was in The Lord of the Flies, ushering in one empty leader after another.

COVERT WAR: US Congress ‘Quietly’ Approves More Arms to ‘Rebels’ in Syria

21WIRE + RT | Congress privately voted to funnel arms, anti-tank rockets, as well as financial backing to rebels fighting in Syria.

MIT Study Further Destroys Washington’s Syria Chemical Weapons Claim

21WIRE + RT | The US-UK-France chemical weapons case against Assad was a total and complete fraud.

Obama Tries to Hush Legal Blowback Against ‘No-Fly Lists’

21WIRE + Mercury News | This is White House which knows no shame when it comes to justifying its un-American police state.

PR Super-Spin: Obama Supposed to Deliver ‘Historic’ NSA Speech

21WIRE | Announcement: Obama breaks from golf course to give NSA speech.

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